Had an app denied due to "spam" saying an app with the same source code was submitted, which is basically impossible. Whenever I ask for more details, they slap me with the same line over and over again:
For information regarding Guideline 4.3(a) - Design - Spam, you may want to refer to App Store Connect Developer Help.
Should you require additional assistance, you can use the contact us page to request help with setting up or distributing your app through App Store Connect.
Super unhelpful, roundabout conversations with absolutely no help or context or detail.
Why don't I just contact them like they suggest you say? I click the contact link, and cant call them! it says: "Phone support is currently unavailable.". Its been like this since as far as I can remember. The only way to get in touch is to email them and all they do is respond the same lines I gave above.