




Reply to SwiftUI design elements
Ok I found a solution @darkpaw, with .overlay(). But I don't know if it's the best solution. Maybe there is a more optimized or "normal" way to do it. Here is the code and rendering: import SwiftUI struct DashboardView: View { var body: some View { HStack { VStack { RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 25.0) .fill( .overlay(Text("Text 1").foregroundColor(.white)) RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 25.0) .fill( .overlay(Text("Text 2").foregroundColor(.white)) } VStack { RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 25.0) .fill( .overlay{ VStack{ Spacer() Text("Text 3") .foregroundColor(.white) Spacer() Text("Text 4").foregroundColor(.white) Spacer() } } } } .frame(height: 200) .padding() } } #Preview { DashboardView() }
Jul ’24
Reply to SwiftUI design elements
In fact, I've spoken too soon @darkpaw : the layout of the rectangles is exactly what I want, but when I try to add text or elements to the rectangles, their layout changes completely. Here's my code and the rendering: import SwiftUI struct DashboardView: View { var body: some View { HStack { VStack { Text("Hello, World!") .background(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 25.0).fill( Text("Hello, World!") .background(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 25.0).fill( } VStack { Text("Hello, World!") .background(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 25.0).fill( } } .frame(height: 200) .padding() } } #Preview { DashboardView() }
Jul ’24
Reply to Go to a specific View with Button
Hey thanks for answering @Claude31 but that does not fit with I what I want. There is the all code of the page and a brief resumé of the idea. It's and AddView called AddExhibView to implement new element in a Database, so I want after pressing the save button to show the ListView called ExhibitView where I display all the data. There is the code : import SwiftUI import CoreData struct AddExhibView: View { @Environment(\.dismiss) var dismiss @Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext @State private var name: String = "" @State private var info: String = "" @State private var isOnline: Bool = false @State private var startDate: Date = Date() @State private var endDate: Date = Date() @State private var contactBuyer = false @State private var showAlert: Bool = false @State private var alertMessage: String = "Il en manque ..." //MARK: Drag&Drop Stuff @State var firstImage = NSImage(named: "image") @State var firstUrl: URL? @State var secondImage = NSImage(named: "image") @State var secondUrl: URL? @State var thirdImage = NSImage(named: "image") @State var thirdUrl: URL? //MARK: Aheviement Stuff @State private var showAchievement: Bool = false let achievement = Achievement(title: "Succès", description: "L'élément a été ajouté avec succès") @State private var showExhibitView: Bool = false var body: some View { HStack{ DropImage(image: $firstImage, url: $firstUrl) if firstImage != nil { DropImage(image: $secondImage, url: $secondUrl) if secondImage != nil{ DropImage(image: $thirdImage, url: $thirdUrl) } } } Form{ VStack{ TextField("Titre", text: $name) .textFieldStyle(.roundedBorder) HStack{ DatePicker("Début", selection: $startDate) DatePicker("Fin", selection: $endDate) Spacer() Toggle("Informer les acheteurs", isOn: $contactBuyer) Toggle("Mettre en ligne", isOn: $isOnline) } HStack{ VStack{ Text("Description") Spacer() } TextEditor(text:$info) .textFieldStyle(.roundedBorder) } } } .padding() //MARK: Save HStack{ Button("Validez"){ print("validez") checkCondition() if !showAlert{ addToBase() showAchievement = true Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.01, repeats: false) { _ in showExhibitView = true } } } .alert(isPresented: $showAlert){ Alert(title: Text("Oops ?"), message: Text(alertMessage)) } .sheet(isPresented: $showAchievement) { AchievementPopView(achievement: achievement, isPresented: $showAchievement) } } .padding() if showExhibitView{ ExhibitView() } } private func checkCondition(){ if name == "" || firstImage == nil { showAlert = true return } } private func addToBase(){ let firstImageData = jpegDataFrom(image: firstImage!) if secondImage != nil && thirdImage == nil{ let secondImageData = jpegDataFrom(image: secondImage!) DataController().addExhibit(name: name, info: info, firstImage: firstImageData, secondImage: secondImageData, thirdImage:nil, startDate: startDate, endDate: endDate, isOnline: isOnline, contactBuyer: contactBuyer, context:viewContext) print("2") return } if secondImage != nil && thirdImage != nil { let secondImageData = jpegDataFrom(image: secondImage!) let thirdImageData = jpegDataFrom(image: thirdImage!) DataController().addExhibit(name: name, info: info, firstImage: firstImageData, secondImage: secondImageData, thirdImage:thirdImageData, startDate: startDate, endDate: endDate, isOnline: isOnline, contactBuyer: contactBuyer, context:viewContext) print("3") return } DataController().addExhibit(name: name, info: info, firstImage: firstImageData, secondImage: nil, thirdImage:nil, startDate: startDate, endDate: endDate, isOnline: isOnline, contactBuyer: contactBuyer, context:viewContext) print("1") return } }
Oct ’23