IAP auto-renewable subscriptions and statusUpdateNotification


We'd like to use statusUpdateNotification to make sure a subscription gets applied. For whatever reason, a very small percentage of IAP success doesn't make it from the user's device/our app to our server.

As far as we can see, when notification_type = INITIAL_BUY, there's no way to actually correlate that notification to a user. It would be very useful to link some opaque data (user id, etc) to a SKPayment which gets echoed back by the statusUpdateNotification for the INITIAL_BUY.



You get the receipt in the notification. The receipt contains the original_transaction_identifier. That same info is sent to the d vice and that device can signal your server after it receives the transaction.

The issue ehb23 details here is on INITIAL_BUY, when the original_transaction_id is not known to the server. The ONLY way to associate an original_transaction_id to a user account is via the aplication that made the original purchase. It is possible for the app to go offline or otherwise be unable to contact the server when attempting to notify it of this transaction. This seems like a critical oversight on Apple's part to not include some sort of user identifier passthrough.