UIPickerView Can load photo without iOS11's permission

hey guy,

UIPickerView seems can load photo without iOS11's permission.

it can access photo library easily without any alert ,

you even can load the photo to set the background.

is this a system lever bug? or I do some wrong?

you can creat a demo and have try.

ps: set up info.plist with below already:



I mean the new blank app.

NOT give the access permission to application already.

you can use UIImagePickerController to load image and view without any alert and block in iOS 10 beta or GM😝

Did you file a radar with Apple for this? If so could you post the radar #. I am seeing the same issue and can even reproduce it with Apple's sample "PhotoPicker" application. No permission is requested or needed to access the photo library (read) in iOS 11 with an app compiled using the iOS 11 SDK and containing the `NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescriptionkey` in the Info.plist.

Accessing images using UIImagePickerViewController no longer requires explicit permission, though accessing the photo library through other APIs does. The changes to the photo library permission model is detailed in the WWDC17 sessions What's New in Photos and Privacy and Your Apps.

UIPickerView Can load photo without iOS11's permission