How to hide “Save to Files” share sheet option in iOS 11 (beta 3)?

Hi All,

We know that in iOS 11 , there's a new "Save to Files" Share Sheet option for saving photos, documents, and other files. ”Save to Files" replaces existing “Add to iCloud Drive” in share sheet.

Our requirement is to hide that “Save to Files” option in our application.Earlier in iOS 10, we hide the “Add to iCloud Drive” option by excluding the activity type “”. But the same is not working for “Save to Files”.

Is there any activity type for “Save to Files” option in iOS 11? Please post your thoughts if you have any.

Many thanks

I'm facing the same issue with final Xcode 9 and iOS 11.

Attempting to exclude "Save to Files" ( to UIActivityViewController's excludedActivityTypes doesn't work.

Trying to make the activity work by providing a URL to the file to save doesn't work either: when selecting where to save an alert appears stating that "The Operation Can't Be Completed. Couldn't communicate with a helper application." OK

Any clues on how to make this activity work or how to exclude it for the time being?


excluding the activity is not working even in IOS 11 Release version. Please let us know if this will be resolved in next iOS 11 official version

How can I get the string for activity type, such as “” for "Save To Files? Besides "Save to Files", I need to exclude "Copy to iBooks" activity type , and I don't know the string I can use to be added to the excludedActivityTypes.

I filed a Suggestion 35079262 on the bug reporter requesting for additional UIActivityType constants so other types of activities can be excluded.

How to hide “Save to Files” share sheet option in iOS 11 (beta 3)?