Thunderbolt 2 Support?


I have a 2015 MBP with TB2 and I was wondering if external GPUs are supported. I've seen some videos on YouTube of people using TB3 to TB2 adapters and getting it to work but I wanted to check if it was going to be officially supported before shelling out hundreds of dollars to find out it doesn't work.


Actually I had the same question and came here. I just got mine delivered today and set it up using the tb3 to tb2 adapter and a tb cable into my MBP mid 2015... I had to upgraded to OSX 13.0 beta before it even recognized it. After everything was updated and restarted both my external monitor connected to the box and my MBP screen were both bright red and the mouse became unresponsive for at least 3 minutes. (There were definitely a few moments of awww shiiiittt what did I just do) but I left it alone and eventually it loaded to the login page. Everything was very slow and ultimately it froze. Then I unplugged and replugged everything and restarted, same thing. Then I tried restarting without the box connected and my MBP booted right up really fast actually. I'm liking high sierra! But haven't gotten it to work yet. I'm going to keep playing with it. May need some drivers or more updates somewhere. Anyone have any success yet?

what tb3 to tb2 adapter are you using?

I have a MBR 13" 2015 that I want to try with the eGPU as well.

found it in the adapter/cables section of the apple store. I can't wait to try this out on my current 3 monitor pc setup. two hp omen qhd and one 43" 4K tv.

Hi, i setup the egpu dev kit with my mac pro 2013 via Apple TB3 to TB2 adapters, it's just work 😉

Jay, let us know when you achieve success. I've read a few logs that say it should work, but your difficulties stop me short.

Suffering from the exact same thing. Same exact setup. Just red screen whenever trying to plug device into an external display. System recognizes GPU but never uses it for when I have tried to test some games on it.

Hi, MBP 2015 with Iris only, Apple TB3 to TB2 and TB2 cable. Not working for me. I have no notifications about the connection of the GPU. Maybe it's the external display... I will try on a new display and see if I have that red screen 😀

what tb3 to tb2 adapter are you using?

It's working on my late 2015 iMac via thunderbold 3 to thunderbolt 2 adapter (sold by apple). Was pretty much just plug and play to get it work. 🙂

The Apple Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) to Thunderbolt 2 Adapter with an OWC Thunderbolt 2 cable works fine for me at least on Sierra with modified AMDRadeonX4200, AMD9520Controller, AMDSupport and IONDRVSupport kexts to enable IOPCITunnelCompatible.

The High Sierra GPU wrangler fails with my Late 2013 MacBookPro11,3 (DG/750M) displaying only a single display with corrupted output and dimmed internal display.

My setup is listed here:

Has anyone found success using the eGPU with the new Developer Beta out? I’m currently upgrading, fingers crossed I can use the kit after this!

I have a late 2015 iMac and I want to try the same thing. What GPU card are you using? What type of performance are you getting? I like my late 2015 iMac, but the GPU is a downer. I am hoping this might be a solution, but is TB 2 sufficient or is this really meant for TB3? Thanks.

Thunderbolt 2 Support?