Xcode 8 not showing iOS 10 simulators

Hello I cannot get iOS 10 simulator in XCode 8.

When upgrading XCode to 8 then at first when I tried to run there was no simulator at all, then I re-downloaded 8.1 and 9.3 and they work. But there is no 10 anywhere to be found, neither in the list to download nor in the run menu.

I have found one thread about same on other forums but no solutions, that guy had reinstalled XCode with no luck.



Im looking too.

Just to be sure, have you tried the Xcode menu option window | devices

On the left column click on the + and add a simulator.

Be sure to select a device type that supports iOS 10 and select the OS version and click create.

iOS 10 devices should be there by default. I've had weird behavior in the past when updating to a new version.

Same problems...

That did get me half way. Seems I have to create iOS 10 simulator for each device manually and that works, sort of. I can now find the emulator in XCode.

For me that is only half way though since their still somehow different from other Simulators as Xamarin cannot see them for example.

I take that back somewhat. I was able to create one and one only (that only works in XCode) creating all others will generate this error:

Error returned in reply: Connection invalid

My simulators are not showing at all! I am not even able to update XCode right now!

If you aren't seeing any sims in Xcode, it's possible that Xcode lost access to the simulators due to another version of Xcode (or one of its tools) being launched subsequently. Due to current limitations, only one version of Xcode can use the simulator at a time, and the last one to start wins.

Note that Console.app will use the simulator services of the Xcode that is selected via Xcode-select, so it's possible to "loose" access to the simulator from Xcode by launching Console while xcode-select points to a differnet Xcode.app.

This isn't really an issue for the "normal" case of having a single Xcode.app on your system. It's most problematic during beta periods when you may be switching between different versions of Xcode. It's a known issue that's been mentioned in the release notes and it's something we definitely want to address.

I'm getting the following in Xcode 8.1, beta 2 when I try to download the iOS 10 Simulator.

Could not download and install iOS 10.0 Simulator. A server with the specified hostname could not be found.

Still getting it. I guess they're not going to update that server?

I'm getting the same problem with Xcode 8.1 Beta 3. Filed a bug report. Very frustrating.

Please report this bug, the more of us that do it the more chance of it getting fixed.

When Xcode is in the invalid state of no simulators all the UI for adding them is completely broken, e.g. in Devices add simulator the create button doesn't work.

As a workaround to get Xcode out of the invalid state what you can do is first quit Xcode 8 then right click the xcodeproj then delete the user data. Now when you relaunch Xcode 8 and open the project the simulators will appear.

Unfortunately the bug returns whenever you open an old project from Xcode 7, so annoying!

malc, you don't need to delete your user data or anything like that. You just need to quit and relaunch Xcode.

The issue is that only one copy of Xcode can be running at a time. If you launch a different version of Xcode, the previous one will loose access to the simulator service.

Just want to note this (still) occurred for me when upgrading from 8.2 to 8.2.1, no beta or extra versions installed on my system. The problem, I'm guessing, is that Simulator was running while AppStore performed the update (even though Xcode wasn't). I suggest the Xcode upgrader check for and kill both Xcode *and* the simulator before proceeding.

I just rebooted my mac and it worked again.

For Xcode 8.3.3 you need to download a new set of iOS Simulators that you didn't have before to get all the old simulators to reappear in Xcode 8.3.3. This is caused by Xcode 9 GM messing up the directory structure for Xcode 8.3.3. Once you download a new iOS simulator all the old ones will reappear.