Location Services not activating in WebApp

Location Services are not activating in my WebApp in any of the iOS10 betas (including 5). I am using navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition and no longer seems to be working, No option appears to enable location services for the app when it first runs, like you usually do.

Does anyone know if this is a bug or not, or if any behaviour has changed in safari?


Still not working in beta 6. Doesn't even work through Safari directly.

Still not working in beta 7 or 8?

Does anyone know if this is a bug or a change in behaviour in Safari?

We are seeing the same issue with the Public Beta 7, our production application is broken when calling navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition

Yes, still not working in iOS 10GM either.

Just out of curiosity do you run your webapp over http or https?

The release notes say "WebGeolocation now requires a secure (HTTPS) website to work on both iOS and macOS to prevent malicious use of location data." under the "Safari" heading. Probably affects web apps too?