WCSession activate session hanging app

Hey All,

In iOS beta 2 my parent ios app seems to be hanging on this boiler plate code to activate session. Hangs for about 4-5 seconds then finally starts the app. This did not occur in Beta 1 and iOS9, anyone else seeing this? It doesnt seem to hang on the simulator but does on a device.


if ([WCSession isSupported]) {

WCSession *session = [WCSession defaultSession];

session.delegate = self;

[session activateSession];


after 5 seconds this is outputted to output window

2016-07-05 14:38:34.486967 [WC] activate session semaphore timed out

(ps sorry for double post just wasnt sure who would need to see this more)


Sounds like you are hitting a bug, and best next step to help us figure out what is going on would be to file a bug report. Please include a sysdiagnose from both the watch and the phone, as well as a rough timestamp of when you saw one of these hangs an session semaphore timeouts.

If you report back here with the radar number I'll make sure the bug gets to the right engineers promptly!


i also have this problem.

Any news?

Thank you