The port for Signiant server is unknown


I've been getting these errors since yesterday when trying to upload builds to iTunes Connect:

"The port for the Signiant server is unknown".

"The max number of retries was performed. The package will not be uploaded".

Is this a problem on my end or an issue with the servers? What can I do?



Using Application Loader?

I tried rebooting my computer when nothing else worked. I'm now getting a different error that says "The action could not be completed. Try again (-22421)".

And now it works again. Guess this was all just some transient server problem.

Seems so - thanks for the followup and good luck.


Hi, I'm getting the same probleme I get this error The port for the Signiant server is unknown when I try to upload my IPA to itunes connect. I've tried every possible solution ... is this a bug or something ?

Cannot update app for days!

Same here.

Cannot upload from the Organizer and Application Loader.

Any solution?

I can't upload too... 😟

I'm developing android app at the same and it's in use. Publishing app totally headache in ios...

I'm seeing this same issue when trying to upload from the Organizer and Application Loader.

Same Problem here, can't update since friday.

Uploading directly from the Organizer window in Xcode.

Still no luck 😟

Unbelievable ....

I have been getting the same error starting from Friday 24th till now. However, have tried uploading from another machine and IP and it's worked well.

Have no idea what is the reason.

ohh, i connected to the internet via my phone and it worked!?!!!

thanks for your input! :-)

this behavior is replicable.

when i change back to my LAN (glas fibre highspeed line...) the error shows up.

when i connect to "MyPhone Hotspot" i works like a charm...

same problem. Try try try . pfff

Mobile hotspot don't work for me.

Lan connection don't work.

I will be damned