Certificate Expiration Notifications

Hi guys,

I'm working in a team of several mobile developers, I'm the team agent and I noticed that I'm the only one that's getting notifications on expiring certificates.

All of the team members are admin on our account so I'm wondering if there's an easy way to make them get those emails other than set auto-forwarding on my inbox.

I'm referring to emails such as "Your Apple Push Notification Service Certificate will expire in 30 days." or "Your iOS Distribution Certificate will expire in 30 days."

Best regards

Nimrod Gutman


any findings?

Joining to the question.

Have you got any solution for this?

Hi! Have anybody found a solution?
I'm and Admin on the team, and do not receive any emails about certificates expiration. Where this can be checked/changed?

Hey Alexey Sh,

Apple does noit currently provide a solution to this. However, what I have done to solve this problem is have a standard process for certificate management (which is best practice anyways) and at a high level, put all of the certificates you would like into a keychain and then on whatever basis you would like have a script go through them, check their expiration date and hit an email API to notify whoever you would like with the certificate information.

Our solution is much more complex due to the amount of certificates that we manage, but any push solution that would notify you is also having to manually read when the certificate is going to expire in order to notify you.

Hopefully this helps!