Why touchesBegan has some delay in some specific area in UIView

I'm making an custom keyboard and I'm in a really weird situation.

I've noticed that when I catch the event touchesBegan at the rear left (about 20 pixels) of the UIView (inputView), I'll have some delay in here. Any action I do in touchesBegan will be perform slower than other area.

override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?)
self.keypop.hidden = false

override func touchesEnded(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?) {
self.keypop.hidden = true

I don't know why, or is this an error from iOS 9? I've been stuck on this trouble for a week.


Many developers encountered the same issue, however, no response from Apple yet, even I filed a TSI.


90% of custom keyboard in AppStore have the same issue. But, Fleksy and SwiftKey have fixed it.

I've found that iOS has many stupid logical errors.

It takes off programmer many times to fix.

With custom keyboard, if you make the toggle in-call

the inputview of custom keyboard will be shrinked 20 pixels.

With this error, swiftkey and many famous keyboards didn't fix it.
