AppleTV device does not show up in Xcode devices

In XCode 7.1 Beta. I can attach my iPad Mini and the devices shows up just fine. However, when I attach to my AppleTV Dev Kit the devices does not appear in the list when I go Windows -> Devices. I have tried flipping the USB-C cable. My HDMI plug is not connected. I have power cycled the AppleTV dev kit. I closed and relaunched XCode. I hsve held down Menu + Play/Pause button for six seconds. Nothing is allowing it to reconize. Since I can't even see the AppleTV Dev Kit in the Device list, it's impossible to register it to my profile.

Please advise.

Did you install the latest tvOS?

Are you using the black cable?

Yes, AppleTV dev kit has most current build ...65H, XCode is most recent build 7.1 beta. Running El Capitan. Att his point iTunes does reconize AppleTV dev kit, so it's just an XCode 7.1 issue I'm having.

iTunes will only recognize your new ATV during the tvOS install procedure. Xcode won't see it until that process is complete. At that time, iTunes will no longer see it.

It sounds like you're in the middle of setting it up.

I went back and rechecked everything. Following the transfer of the latest tvOS build from iTunes, AppleTV no longer shows up in iTunes. Since you are saying this is expected behavior it appears my hardware is responding appropriately in that regard. I have confirmed the AppleTV Dev Kit connects to the network and my iTunes developer profile account has been entered. XCode 7.1 beta still contines to show "No devices connected to My Mac" when I access the devices/simulators menu. I have tried the following

Unplugging all cables from AppleTV dev kit, connecting only USB-C to Mac Book Pro. Then power cable. Launching XCode 7.1 before and after USB connection, etc... One thing worth noting. When I connect the USB-C cable XCode does show "waiting on device" very briefly in the center toolbar region under the top menu (where it shows the build time stamp). The "waiting on device" message occurs when USB-C cable is connected and last about a second.

What additional steps must be taken on the AppleTV Dev Kit in order to enable XCode to connect to it? Do I need to install a provisioned profile like is required on iOS devices? Again, I have given AppleTV my AppleID which is the same AppleID tied to my provisioned profile. Are there additional steps/any steps in XCode 7.1 required to make it identify the AppleTV device or does this reconition happen automatically?

Thank You!

There are no additional steps that I know of, short of repeating the process.

Are you using the black cable that was included w/the ATV and is it _forcefully_ inserted with a can't miss click when seated and completly flush with the ATV housing?

Which version OS X are you using? How many versions Xcode do you have installed and running? Can you see any other devices via Xcode?

Are your dev contracts/agreements all uptodate? Check via iTunes Connect/Agreements, Tax & Banking to see if any need requesting/agreeing.

I'm having the same issue. :-/

Also same problem, I have XCode 7.1 beta. I have Apple TV in my Devices, but I can not choose it as my device in Xcode.

Be sure to connect your new ATV to a TV via HDMI so you can complete the apple ID sign on process there first, before trying to interact with it via Xcode.

I have Apple TV signed to my account already.

Good - how many devices out of the allowed 100 do you have already listed in the member center?

Only two, but Apple TV is not there

Hmm...makes me wonder if the signing servers aren't working...

Lots of issues being reported on the backend lately, it seems. Might not be anything you can do on your end but wait.

Go to devices in xCode. Manually copy the UDID. Go to the portal and under provisioning/devices, add

the Apple TV and the UDID you copied. You should then be able to use it in xCode.

AppleTV device does not show up in Xcode devices