Revert Xcode Simulator to the default setting

What I had done:

I enabled full screen mode on the simulator so I executed the following command:

defaults write AllowFullscreenMode -bool YES


How can I remove this rectangular bar shown in the image (so that it is like the default setting when xcode is installed)?

I have tried the following without any success:

  • Executed the above command with a NO
  • Deleted
  • Created a new Mac User
  • Deleted Xcode and installed it again

Accepted Reply

Yes, as of Xcode 11.4 there is now a titlebar above the simulator windows. There is currently not an option to turn it off.
  • Sorry I was so lost, that I didn't realise that the rectangular title bar was the new standard, I thought it had appeared because of me executing the command .. :D

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My bad, newer simulators now have a rectangular bar on top of them, this had nothing to do with execution of the command with the terminal. The bar existed even before I executed the command.
Yes, as of Xcode 11.4 there is now a titlebar above the simulator windows. There is currently not an option to turn it off.
  • Sorry I was so lost, that I didn't realise that the rectangular title bar was the new standard, I thought it had appeared because of me executing the command .. :D

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It's better to use the defaults command to modify preferences since cfprefsd may not notice changes to the backing plist if it has a hot cache of it already, eg:
Code Block
defaults delete