dylibs not at expected position, frameworks


I fail to upload IPA file. Getting below error:

ITMS-90429: Invalid Swift Support - The files libswiftDarwin.dylib, libswiftDispatch.dylib, libswiftCoreGraphics.dylib, libswiftCoreFoundation.dylib, libswiftUIKit.dylib, libswiftMetal.dylib, libswiftCore.dylib, libswiftFoundation.dylib, libswiftQuartzCore.dylib, libswiftos.dylib, libswiftObjectiveC.dylib, libswiftCoreImage.dylib aren’t at the expected location /Payload/abc.app/Frameworks. Move the file to the expected location, rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode, and resubmit it.

I confirm that we have all the above mentioned dylibs and the newly created dylib under abc.app/Frameworks.

Earlier I was able to upload. But recently, our IPA started using a xyz.dylib (which we created and own). Post that we are seeing above error.

Our main app uses Packet tunnel provider network extension which in turn uses xyz.dylib.


I am using cocoapods version 1.8.3 with bitcode enabled

Xcode version: 11.3

We already looked at https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/36685


Swift version is 5