An error occurred while downloading windows support software

I've tried to install windows 10 on my mac, but I received this error: "An error occurred while downloading windows support software".

MacBook Air 2015, MacOS Catalina 10.15 Beta (I have the same error on a MacBook Pro 13 2015, MacOS Catalina 10.15 Beta)

If you run Bootcamp Assistant -> Action -> Download, are you able to download the driver package?

No, I can't.

You may want to try Brigadier - .

Hi there I have the same error I was able to download using the bootcamp action button and now have the windows support files in a folder, I don't know what to do next, also when I try bootcamp assistant I always get an error that says

''Download could not continue. An error occurred while downloadingWindows Support Software”

any ideas please?

Have you found any solution for this issue. I am facing it too. Please advice if any.
An error occurred while downloading windows support software