Missing AppleKextExcludeList on macOS 10.15


After trying some apps with the new beta... found some didn't work..., and just discovered it was to this first beta of macOS 10.15 not including AppleKextExcludeList :O :O

There are thousands (literally) of trusted entries specifically.., is this intended or maybe is just a bug and future versions of versions will include it like on all previous macOS releases? a LOT of software relies on this in order to run properly, including some famous apps like vmware, etc.

Thanks in advance and best regards.


Just filed a report: FB6121990

Have you had any response from apple?

Not yet 😟..., I guess the next week when wwdc ends.., in the meantime I'd suggest you all to send them your feedback too using feedback assistant so the keep an eye on this asap 😉

Have you found a work around?, Because I haven't been able to install Catalina 😢

After digging some time, found the kext myself.. , now is located here:


Using "dtruss" terminal utility with SIP disabled, found is not being processed properly and even exceptions are not being allowed..., weird 😟

Will report another bug with this additional ifo.

Please let us know if you hear from Apple

Just Reported the bug: FB6133015

This is what I found.

Downloaded several unsigned kexts (non intrusive ones 😀) working fine on macOS Mojave 10.14.5...

When tried at macOS Catalina 10.15 beta 1, failed to load even when they still are on the exception list. The issue seems to be at CDHash generation when the command line utility kextutil tries to validate the file against the list.

Just after writing to the output "is in hash exception list, allowing to load..." the following appears:

"...is missing or has an invalid CDHash. Disallowing load."

Weird 😀

Tried even with a succesfully notarized kext of myself and the result was just the same.

Of course, disabling SIP makes all these issues dissapear (boot to recovery mode and, from terminal, just disable it by typing "csrutil disable").

So just to recap. What are you saying is the.

1.- download the Catalina

2.-run Catalina installer

3.-Bot in recovery mode and from terminal run this command "csrutil disable"

4.- Bot the machine and everything works?

Please let me know if I missing something

It does not work for me, I'll wait for the next beta