I've just updated to the latest Xcode 7 Beta 4 from Beta 3 and all of my simulators are missing and I can't install any of them. In addition, I can't open any of my Nibs in my project. It is returning a "Could not open document error". Is anyone else experiencing these problems?
I experienced this, too, on El Capitan. NIBs wouldn't load, no Sims present, and unable to launch Simulators through the Xcode/Open Developer Tool/Simulator menu. After fighting it for a few hours I've finally got it working.
Here's what worked for me (YMMV):
I noticed a message in Console.app along the lines of the Simulator runtime not being code signed. I went to the path it described "/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes" and removed the runtimes that I had there. They were old runtimes, so I assume that some check in Xcode now applies that didn't previously. Who knows?
After doing this, I could *finally* launch the Simulator via the Xcode/Open Developer Tool menu. Unfortunately, the Simulator still wasn't being shown as a run target in my workspace, so I kept spelunking...
I then went into the Simulator's Hardware/Devices/Manage Devices menu and added a new iOS9 device. It didn't seem to do anything, so I quit out of Xcode and Simulator.app. I then re-started Simulator.app (via Xcode/ODT/Simulator) and lo and behold the expected iOS9 simulators were displayed.
I closed and re-opened Xcode, changed the target OS for my project, and the Sims were finally displayed as run targets.