Xcode 7 Beta 4 no simulators and can't open nibs

I've just updated to the latest Xcode 7 Beta 4 from Beta 3 and all of my simulators are missing and I can't install any of them. In addition, I can't open any of my Nibs in my project. It is returning a "Could not open document error". Is anyone else experiencing these problems?

Answered by seancook in 30358022

I experienced this, too, on El Capitan. NIBs wouldn't load, no Sims present, and unable to launch Simulators through the Xcode/Open Developer Tool/Simulator menu. After fighting it for a few hours I've finally got it working.

Here's what worked for me (YMMV):

I noticed a message in Console.app along the lines of the Simulator runtime not being code signed. I went to the path it described "/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes" and removed the runtimes that I had there. They were old runtimes, so I assume that some check in Xcode now applies that didn't previously. Who knows?

After doing this, I could *finally* launch the Simulator via the Xcode/Open Developer Tool menu. Unfortunately, the Simulator still wasn't being shown as a run target in my workspace, so I kept spelunking...

I then went into the Simulator's Hardware/Devices/Manage Devices menu and added a new iOS9 device. It didn't seem to do anything, so I quit out of Xcode and Simulator.app. I then re-started Simulator.app (via Xcode/ODT/Simulator) and lo and behold the expected iOS9 simulators were displayed.

I closed and re-opened Xcode, changed the target OS for my project, and the Sims were finally displayed as run targets.


I have certain storyboards that I can't open with Beta 4, no matter what I try. I'll have to downgrade to Beta 3.

I'll probably have to do the same. I can't seem to find a workaround.

I also have no simulators when I install Xcode 7 beta 4

Same here. Also, I'm on El Capitan Beta 4. I have the command line tools installed.

I have tried:

Deleting everything Xcode related (Including Xcode 6.4), all prefs, caches. Everything. Rebooting, Reinstalling.

Didn't work.

I also cannot add any simulators in the Devices window. Trying to do so beachballs when the Create button is pressed for a few seconds and then nothing.

If you look in the Console.app you can see that the CoreSimulatorService is continuously crashing when Xcode is loaded. The crash is inside: `ImageLoaderMachO::instantiateFromFile`

Downgrading did not help. :/

Thanks for your answer. Unfortunately I'm not using nibBundle in my code. I'm actually not able to open the nib file in Xcode at all, let alone get it to compile.

I followed a similar strategy to no avail. Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem.

same here 😐

I'm only experiencing these same issues on my machine with El Capitan beta installed. Yosemite seems fine.

Accepted Answer

I experienced this, too, on El Capitan. NIBs wouldn't load, no Sims present, and unable to launch Simulators through the Xcode/Open Developer Tool/Simulator menu. After fighting it for a few hours I've finally got it working.

Here's what worked for me (YMMV):

I noticed a message in Console.app along the lines of the Simulator runtime not being code signed. I went to the path it described "/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes" and removed the runtimes that I had there. They were old runtimes, so I assume that some check in Xcode now applies that didn't previously. Who knows?

After doing this, I could *finally* launch the Simulator via the Xcode/Open Developer Tool menu. Unfortunately, the Simulator still wasn't being shown as a run target in my workspace, so I kept spelunking...

I then went into the Simulator's Hardware/Devices/Manage Devices menu and added a new iOS9 device. It didn't seem to do anything, so I quit out of Xcode and Simulator.app. I then re-started Simulator.app (via Xcode/ODT/Simulator) and lo and behold the expected iOS9 simulators were displayed.

I closed and re-opened Xcode, changed the target OS for my project, and the Sims were finally displayed as run targets.


This solved it for me. Thanks.

Helped me as well, thanks!

Thanks you help. I almost want to degrade beta3.

Now, Sims is fine, App is fine. Nibs or storyboard is fine.


Xcode 7 Beta 4 no simulators and can't open nibs