If an Inc. associated with an apple developer account shuts down, will the apple developer account be disabled as well?

My partner and I created a company (Inc.) and a developer account associated with that company. This year we are shutting down our company, but we would still like to keep our developer account active so our app can stay on the app store. We already paid the $100 developer fee for this year in december, and was wondering if our app would stay on the app store for another year before we decide if we want to create a new apple account to publish our app.


>...will the apple developer account be disabled

My opinion is that as long at the account it is associated with it is paid up, your app should stay in the store unless there is an issue with it and/or your account that prompts Apple to take action otherwise. No one here can predict -anything- that Apple may do in that regard, however, including reacting to the tangled web that might be created by a non-existent LLC processing on-record earned revenue.

I think you need to maintain your account with the App Store in order to keep your apps available for purchase. That means someone needs to pay Apple the $100. But I don’t think Apple will know whether or not your “Inc.” is still in existence. Nor will Apple care.

If you are shutting down the company, then by all legal rights, you should shutdown the account as well. Is this a 100% free app? If not, then you are entering into fraud, tax evasion, and possibly criminal territory. You don't want to go there.

Pay another $100 and create a personal account. Setup all the paid contracts and agreements so the new account can take over from the Inc account. Then you can transfer your app to the personal account before you shutdown the company.