Is it possible (allowed) to protect App by Serial Key?

We are going to publish our desktop software (iOS app for PC).

According to our rules - 1 software application is allowed for a 1 user ( 1 installation) after purchase.

We are protecting software by license key.

In this case, is it allowed Serial Key protection? Couldn't find such info.


Is it possible to use Apple Store settings to control Software application usage? tracking by Apple ID installations.

Thanks for your advices in advance.

Sorry, I'm new in this business.

Accepted Reply

>We are going to publish our desktop software (iOS app for PC).

Your application can run on the desktop for Mac, or run on iOS, not both.

A Mac OS (desktop) application cannot require a software key. See the ASRGs Section 2.4.5 (vi)

(vi) They may not present a license screen at launch, require license keys, or implement their own copy protection.

For iOS app, see Business3.3.1:

Apps may not use their own mechanisms to unlock content or functionality, such as license keys, augmented reality markers

>Is it possible to use Apple Store settings to control Software application usage? tracking by Apple ID installations.

Your application does not have access to a user's Apple ID. Why do your need to track installations? The store provides some metrics via 'App Analytics' that do that for the developer.

See the ASRGs Section 5.1 Privacy


>We are going to publish our desktop software (iOS app for PC).

Your application can run on the desktop for Mac, or run on iOS, not both.

A Mac OS (desktop) application cannot require a software key. See the ASRGs Section 2.4.5 (vi)

(vi) They may not present a license screen at launch, require license keys, or implement their own copy protection.

For iOS app, see Business3.3.1:

Apps may not use their own mechanisms to unlock content or functionality, such as license keys, augmented reality markers

>Is it possible to use Apple Store settings to control Software application usage? tracking by Apple ID installations.

Your application does not have access to a user's Apple ID. Why do your need to track installations? The store provides some metrics via 'App Analytics' that do that for the developer.

See the ASRGs Section 5.1 Privacy

> According to our rules - 1 software application is allowed for a 1 user ( 1 installation) after purchase.

Those are your rules but you are running on Apple's iOS so it goes by their rules, not yours. Their rules are that the software and all In App Purchases (except conusmable In App Purchases*****) run on all devices owned by the same user (i.e. Apple ID).

> is it allowed Serial Key protection?


> Is it possible to use Apple Store settings to control Software application usage? tracking by Apple ID installations.

You can't use the Apple Store settings but you can certainly do things within the app using the iCloud key-value file to detect how many devices the software is installed on by a single user.

***** Apple allows you to sell a 'consumable' IAP that can be restricted to use on one device. A consumable IAP is something that a user retains until used and once used is consumed. It is unclear how you can restructure your 'rules' around a consumable but, absent a consumable IAP, Apple will require the software run on all devices owned by that user.

Thanks for the detailed answer.

Apple Rules work the same for iOs and MACOS. Are there any special differences?

I do not know about MacOS.