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I updated the iOS 13 beta 3 but something was really weird. When I run "CapturingBodyMotionIn3D" on the iOS 13 beta 2, that was perfect. However, after updating the iOS 13 beta3, the project had some error like:// Asynchronously load the 3D character. _ = Entity.loadBodyTrackedAsync(named: "character/robot").sink(receiveCompletion: { completion in if case let .failure(error) = completion { print("Error: Unable to load model: \(error.localizedDescription)") } }, receiveValue: { (character: Entity) in if let character = character as? BodyTrackedEntity { // Scale the character to human size character.scale = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] self.character = character } else { print("Error: Unable to load model as BodyTrackedEntity") } })while in the second line, there is an error: Thread 1: signal SIGABRTIs there any body has the similar problem, I mean the "CapturingBodyMotionIn3D" project works well on iOS 13 beta 2 but not work on iOS 13 beta 3?
by rj418.
Last updated