
Post not yet marked as solved
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Is it possible to make generated asset symbols (ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_GENERATE_ASSET_SYMBOLS and/or ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_GENERATE_SWIFT_ASSET_SYMBOL_EXTENSIONS) public so that they can be used by targets that import the framework defining them?
by picnicbob.
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Post marked as solved
1 Replies
I have a ToDo list app with an accompanying widget that displays upcoming items with an 'n more...' label at the bottom if they don't all fit. At the moment the number of rows is hard-coded based on widget family (4 for small and medium, 11 for large). How do I make the row count and 'more' text adjust for dynamic type sizes? Small and medium fonts should display 4 rows while large will only fit 3 before content is pushed off the bottom.
by picnicbob.
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According to the archived Energy Efficiency Guide for iOS Apps I should be able to change an NSOperationQueue's qualityOfService and promote its operations to the new qualityOfService. This does not seem to be true anymore but I can't find any current documentation on how to promote a queued NSOperation. Does anyone know how to achieve QoS promotion of a queued operation? It seems like whatever the operation's resolved QoS is at the time it is added to the queue is the QoS used when the operation is run regardless of changes made to the queue or the operation before it runs.
by picnicbob.
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4 Replies
I'd like to create an App Clip that can view my app's custom file format. This way a paying user can share content with a friend without the friend having to pay for or install and set up the main app. Is this possible? Currently I have to have a separate "Viewer" app in the store for this purpose, but that's not a great experience.
by picnicbob.
Last updated