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Long story short, I pushed a Catalyst version of my iOS app onto the Mac App Store and it's just way too buggy. I can't figure out how to just remove the macOS version? I understand that without Catalyst you can specifically delist the iOS version from showing up on macOS but why can't I just remove the macOS one without affecting my iOS build? At this point it looks like I'll have to push a whole new app to the iOS store and there's no way to transfer all paying customers over from one app to another? Any suggestions?
by jq1106.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
1 Replies
As the title suggests I'm having an issue getting my folder to appear in iCloud drive both through or iCloud drive on my mac, it's not even appearing via the files app on the device.What I added to info.plist<key>NSUbiquitousContainers</key> <dict> <key></key> <dict> <key>NSUbiquitousContainerIsDocumentScopePublic</key> <true/> <key>NSUbiquitousContainerName</key> <string>MyAppName</string> <key>NSUbiquitousContainerSupportedFolderLevels</key> <string>Any</string> </dict> </dict>The file I'm moving is being downloaded locally, and when it completes I runFileManager.default.setUbiquitous(true, itemAt: source, destinationURL: destination)If I look in the /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile\ Documents/iCloud~com~myapp~ios directory the file did get moved there, and it does get synced to iCloud, because it appears on other devices as well, but I can't for the life of me get the folder to show up so people can actually access the files.Is there something else I'm missing?
by jq1106.
Last updated