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When I open the Testflight app (iOS) and navigate to the 'Previous Builds' section, I am not able to see all my *unexpired* builds. It only shows 20 builds, even though I have 30 that available to test.
by atheobald.
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We have a custom keyboard extension. We need to programmatically remove the Siri Dictation button on iPhone X.I know I can toggle it on/off in Settings -> General -> Keyboard -> Enable Dictation.What I am looking for is a way to toggle it via Objective-C (or Swift) or cover it up.Is there a way to do this?Thanks,Allen
by atheobald.
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SETUP: iPhone X, System Keyboard only (no Emoji keyboard), plus a Custom keyboard.I have written a custom keyboard extension. When I launch iNotes on an iPhone X I get the Globe key just fine. I can switch between mine and the system keyboard.When I launch another app (an Objective-C app that I wrote), there is no Globe key. When I add back the Emoji keyboard, I get the Globe key. However, when I tap or long-press the Globe -- my keyboard is not present! I only see the System and Emoji keyboards.It is almost as if my Obj-C app is preventing 3rdparty keyboards. But I know it is not, because when it was written Apple only allowed it's own keyboard. 🙂What can I look for in settings or Obj-C code to figure out why my custom keyboard isn't "visible" in my app?Thanks,Allen
by atheobald.
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I am unable to record Bluetooth using streaming audio (AudioQueues).I have a test "AVAudioRecorder" project where I successfully record voice using my Bluetooth microphone. Snippet follows:AVAudioRecorder* avRecorder; NSError* sessionError = nil; BOOL success = [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord withOptions:AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionAllowBluetooth | AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionAllowBluetoothA2DP error:&sessionError]; if (success) { NSLog(@"The audio session category is set"); } else { NSLog(@"The audio session category error is %@", sessionError.description); } [snipped for brevity] // Start the audio session [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setActive:YES error:nil]; [self.avRecorder prepareToRecord]; [self.avRecorder record];PROBLEM:Using the same AVAudioSession setup, when I replace AVAudioRecorder with my streaming audio recorder (AudioQueues) I get no input from my Bluetooth microphone. I know this because I stick my iPhone in the drawer and can barely hear the recording when I play it back. 🙂Apparently the iPhone is still using the built-in microphone instead of Bluetooth when streaming input.When I query the AVAudioSession object and look at AVAudioSessionPortDescriptions and AVAudioSessionDataSourceDescriptions it looks as if Bluetooth is available and set. But I feel as if I am missing something which I cannot quite pin down.Can anyone shed some light as to how to use a Bluetooth microphone with streaming audio input?Thanks,Allen
by atheobald.
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How can I detect from an iOS Keyboard Extension if the keyboard is interrupted, for example an incoming phone call.I have added observers for willResignActive and didBecomeActive in UIInputViewController's viewDidLoad. I have also added logging in those, plus logging in viewWillAppear and viewWillDisappear.When I get an incoming phone call with my keyboard displayed -- I do not reliably get willResignActive, nor do I reliably get willDisappear.What’s the approved way to detect an incoming phone call from a keyboard extension?
by atheobald.
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I have a custom keyboard extension and container app which I wrote. I am using the keyboard extension in the host app (iNotes).I bring up iNotes and my custom keyboard, press the home button (sending iNotes to the background), double-tap home button and bring iNotes to the foreground.Nine times out of ten my keyboard extension will be re-instantiated when iNotes comes to the foreground. I.e., it goes through init(nibName:bundle:) and viewDidLoad().One time out of ten my keyboard extension is not re-instantiated. It doesn't matter which device or which version of iOS.The basic life cycle of a keyboard extension appears to be the nine times out of ten scenario. My keyboard extension does not do any background processing, so what could prevent the keyboard extension from going through the system creates->use->system kills life-cycle?
by atheobald.
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