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Hello.I´m using, scrollViewWillEndDragging for changing the target when decelerating. The problem is the animation is ending with pretty slow decelerating (some pixels) even when decelerationRate is fast. override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. self.CollectionView.decelerationRate = .fast }func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) { print("Current contentOffset: \(scrollView.contentOffset.x)")}func scrollViewWillEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, withVelocity velocity: CGPoint, targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>){ let target = targetContentOffset.pointee.x let spaceSize: CGFloat = 10 + 828.0 let page = target / spaceSize........ targetContentOffset.pointee.x = spaceSize * CGFloat(finalPage) print("Target: \(targetContentOffset.pointee.x)")}Its possible to fix this?Thanks.EDIT: This is the log, like you can see yourself last pixels are decelerating with 0.5 pixels making the animation weird and bugged.Target: 838.0Current contentOffset: 197.0Current contentOffset: 295.0Current contentOffset: 378.0Current contentOffset: 448.0Current contentOffset: 507.5Current contentOffset: 558.0Current contentOffset: 600.5Current contentOffset: 636.5Current contentOffset: 667.0Current contentOffset: 692.5Current contentOffset: 714.5Current contentOffset: 733.0Current contentOffset: 749.0Current contentOffset: 762.0Current contentOffset: 773.5Current contentOffset: 783.0Current contentOffset: 791.0Current contentOffset: 797.5Current contentOffset: 803.5Current contentOffset: 808.5Current contentOffset: 812.5Current contentOffset: 816.0Current contentOffset: 819.0Current contentOffset: 821.5Current contentOffset: 823.5Current contentOffset: 825.5Current contentOffset: 827.0Current contentOffset: 828.0Current contentOffset: 829.0Current contentOffset: 830.0Current contentOffset: 831.0Current contentOffset: 831.5Current contentOffset: 832.0Current contentOffset: 832.5Current contentOffset: 833.0Current contentOffset: 833.5Current contentOffset: 834.0Current contentOffset: 834.5Current contentOffset: 835.0Current contentOffset: 835.5Current contentOffset: 836.0Current contentOffset: 836.5Current contentOffset: 837.0Current contentOffset: 837.5Current contentOffset: 838.0
by MadDavid.
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Hi.Since I installed the last version of Xcode from Appstore, I cant install my app to a device or archiving to send to iTunes Connect, xcode freeze on "Planning build", minutes after Xcode is not responding on activity monitor.Testing on Simulator is working right.Some way, I can test what is the freezing xcode? Is this a bug?PD: Anyway, always I open my project in current Xcode is indexing for several minutes, before this version, was secondsEDIT: After 1 hour I pressed the run button the compiler began to compile.Thanks
by MadDavid.
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Hi.I´m testing the new iOS 13 framework Pencilkit. But I have seen when im trying to set maximumZoomScale to some value (example 256), PKCanvasView set "10" as max zoom scale, is there any way to change this?Thanks
by MadDavid.
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Hello.I have a mp3 and a vtt for subtitles. I´m using AVMutableComposition, its working but I don´t need use AVPlayerViewController or AVPlayerLayer because the mp3 is playing in background. Is there some way for getting subtitles while is playing and drawing the subtitles where and how I want such as you can get timed metadata?I have tested using AVPlayerLayer with clear background but I don´t like that way because have little control over. Other way is parsing manually and use timers for sync but looks like so much work when AVPlayer support vtt subtitles nativelyThanks.
by MadDavid.
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Hello.I want to create a indoor navigation, no Wifi/beacon/etc infraestructure and poor or inexistent GPS signal. I though using ARKit with image detection (QR, image, etc) and create a different routes on 3D (example arrows in the floor). How is accurate ARKit whith big distances?Thanks.
by MadDavid.
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4 Replies
Hello.I´m making use from external display on my app. The problem is when app crashed on iOS 12.After a crash external display image is black, if the user launch again my app, the iPad doesnt detect the display (black screen), i have to launch other app and after the crashed app or unplug and plug again the HDMI.Is this a bug? On iOS 11 is working, when app crashed iPad mirror its content and when launch again the crashed app, detect the display again.See you
by MadDavid.
Last updated