push notification without sound on iOS9

I have a problem that when a lot of apps running in the background sometimes when the app receive push notification (local or remote) sometimes the notification arives without sound.

tested on iOS 9 GM

also hapenns on Whatsapp and Viber

scenario: open and background many apps then receive push notification.

about 1/3 receive without sound in this scenario

I'm having the same problem, No notification sound on whatsapp. Please let me know if you found a solution.

I'm in the exact same situation and it's so annoying. No sound and not even a vibrate many times. I have to physically look at the phone to see that I got a message, which never used to happen and is extremely inconvinient. I used to be able to sleep and have the volume up to wake me up if I got a message, but now I can't rely on that anymore. I never know if the notification will happen or not.
I've noticed this on both Whatsapp and Viber and Messager.

Please fix this problem as soon as possible.

I have the same problem. Sometimes I have a sound. But sometimes not.

I tried to find a solution and I found this article.

Since IOS 9 lot of push notifications are without a sound.

I'm having the same problem with whatsapp.... Please fix...

Another one here with the same issue!! Lack of audible notification on various apps! Extremely annoying - fix this soon!!

Same. iOS9 randomly missing local notifications sound.

Same here hope it will be solved as soon as possible.

Same here.. Please fix this as soon as possible

Yes ! I have too this bug! No sound on notifications!

I don't have notification sounds either. Nothing when a text message, email. program notification, or when I press the top button to turn off the screen.

Tried restarting, setting sound volume. A reset, restore, and reset to factory was recommended elsewhere. Those are bogus solutions, we shouldn't have to do any of that, the sound should not have been turned off from the update to begin with.

I'm having the same problem!! Sometimes there is sound, sometimes there is not.

I am aslo having same the problem with my iphone 5s. Sometimes I have a sound. But sometimes not.

I have the same problem with my iphone 6 please fix it how match is faster I'm very angry !!!

Same here. Whatsapp, mail etc. lose notification sound most of the times.

Looking for a fix asap.

I think will be repaired on next update. I hope so!

Came here to see if there was a setting I wasn't understanding. My phone doesn't ring anymore, doesn't ping when messages arrive anymore, it is stone silent. Apple needs to patch this immediately.

Same here, need to phycically check my phone for new messages as no notification sound everytime there is a new message.

All of the 8 people i know who updated to ios 9 is facing the same problem. I hope Apple fix the issue.

I Have the Exact Problem also in my both iphone 5S and 6 Plus. Since the update to iOS 9, whatsapp sounds only after 3 notifications and then stop again until somebody write to me 3 times or more and stop again...

Sometimes Mail doesnt sounds neither.

i have to check my screen everytime and of couse my batt its during less than iOS 8...

Hope Apple gets a fix ASAP!

I just created an account to confirm this problem on iPhone 5s, iOS 9 and latest version of Viber available.

I have exactly the same problem in viber and whatsapp

Same issue. No sound or alert for messages or face book messenger either. I have to check my phone to see if there's any new messages.

I have the same problem with iPhone 6, missing notifications from a lot of Apps Whatsapp, calls, gmail, etc

I am having the same problem! I use the iMailG app for my gmail and now when the phone is open, i get the banner notification, but no sound. Its really irritating. Spend 30 minute on Apple Support chat and they had me delete the app and test the stock email notification which is as not working either. They also had me power off/on the phone. I am getting the ringtones now. Then I reinstalled the iMailG app. Hope this helps. I think mine is fixed. Fingers crossed!

Has anyone tried reinstalling the app after upgrading to iOS 9? I had a customer of my app complaining about this issue, but after he reinstalled my app the issue went away. Perhaps something gets messed up with the sound files during the iOS 9 upgrade process? Anyway just wanted to see if that fixed the issue for others or if its just a fluke with this one customer.

push notification without sound on iOS9