new builds not show in app store connect

i had upload new build(version 6.8.9) with application loader about 20 hours ago, and loader show success, but the new build 6.9.9 not show in app store connect activity list.

when i reupload the version, loader show ERROR ITMS-90189, same build string build exist.

how to fix this suitation? is there some bugs in app store connect?

We're having the same issue, did you get a resolution?

Hello, I have the same problem

Same here. Submitted to the Mac App store. An earlier submision to the iOS app store went along just fine

We 'fixed' the issue by enabling bitcode. Previous builds were using it, but it somehow got disabled.

Seems something changed to make it fail silently and never process.

I have same issue.
I'm already upload multiple build but from yesterday when upload a new build not showing up.

@all, i have receive the app store processing finished email. the duration after upload about 36 hours.

I uploaded a version which appeared for a while under macOS Builds tab as "Processing" for a while then totally disappeared. Tried to re-upload but it shows that there is already a version online.

Guess I would have to wait and see if it appears by tomorrow.

Same here. I contacted Developer Support and they said it's a known issue on Apple's end and I'd get an email when it's resolved, but I haven't heard anything further from them.

Oh, I just got the emails saying the binaries have been processed, and I was able to complete the submissions.

Thank you very much for sharing your experience. I am having same issue right now. The app was submitted yesterday with Application Loader and it went all the way to Thank You window. However, the app is not showing up on the App Store Connect page. Good thing is I read this forum and your post, otherwise, I'll keep looking into my environment, keep making new build and submit. Thanks!

Same issue here. I did not check bitcode. It successfully uploads my application via XCode but Apple connects side we can not select under builds sections. I will try to new build via bitcode support.

did you solved it ? have same issue

It is a sad to see Apple still hasn't fixed this issue. It's been more than 60 hours since build upload and it's still not showing in AppStore, anyone has any ideas about this?


I have some probllem. After 24 hours the build is not it's still not showing in appstoreconnect, anyone has any ideas about this?

same here, builds upload but never even show up in "Processing" mode in itunes connect

Same here, I have uploaded more than 3 builds in the last 2 days but nothing appears in the app store connect.

Not shown any error after the build was successfully uploaded to the app store.

It seems like some bugs in the app store connect.

one thing i noticed, i had some old UIWebView references in some libraries. those seem to now go beyond causing warnings of being obsolete and are now Errors of being obsolete. once i removed the UIWebView references (which i was not using anyway), the build went thru.

I am having the same issue right now. The app was submitted yesterday with transporter app but the app is not showing up on the app store connect page.

In my app not having webview or not added any kind of library which was having UIWebView reference, It just a simple data-driven app. Although, the app is not showing up on app store connect page after successfully uploaded an app to the app store connect.

Same problem here. Does waiting help? Will the new version be shown in the next few days?

Same here. It's been three days and still no build appears. I have uploaded two times already both are not appearing.

I have the same problem 😟 has anybody any idea, what to do?

It's happen to me also. Upload from Transporter. It's said that the upload success but not appeard in AppStoreConnect. Are we still can submit the app or we need to wait until the build appear in AppStoreConnect? Really need a guidance here. The app is build using EXPO

I found that I had a reference to UIWebView in a cocoapods module. You may have UIWebView in a package.json module (npm or yarn module?) Even though I didnt use UIWebView or anything calling it, Apple has a problem with it. The app makes it up during upload, but then you get an email saying that the upload failed, and it never goes into processing mode on itunes connect / app store connect. When I remove the .m files that have the UIWebView from the build (e.g. remove from build target), it worked. However, that was a lucky fix. In some cases if you remove .m files from target, the app might not build, and you have to do more to remove the referencers of UIWebView.

I had similar issues with the new Transporter app and a pipeline using fastlane to upload, both giving no errors and a successfull upload statement.
For some reason the app did not show in App Store Connect, under activity or anywhere else for that matter, tried upload again and the error with the duplicate build number appeard (appearently Apple had the binary).
Bumped build number, build again. Uploaded again after 3 days, same issue. As it has normaly only taken 10 min or so before the app has been available i tried again a couple of times at an hour intervall or so, same result but with a slight twist for one of the builds for some short time the app did show up in the "Activity" tab with a an error message "Invalid build". And after some time I also got an e-mail from apple stating that I was missing a purpose string in the Info.plist file.

To conclude ther seems like there is an issue if the app failes and you do not have uploaded an app with the same version number before they dissapear and if there is an issue with the e-mail delivery the developer is left in the blind until he just tries to upload again and again until it works.

new builds not show in app store connect