~2s delay after pushViewController on devices with iOS 13


I have application in Swift 4 in MVVMC. After iOS 13 release I have problem with ~2s delay after pushViewController method. It is ok on iOS 11, 12. I've checked build created on xcode 10.3 and 11.2.1 and in both of them there is a issue with that delay.

Accepted Reply

After a while I've found that one method with setting label.text callef from viewModel was called from globalQueue from some reasen. That caused that delay. I don't know yet why on iOS 11 and 12 that worked perfectly. I had to call that method from mainQueue and it woked perfectly for me. I'll have to check changes in iOS 13 about GCD.


It's Swift, I'm using .xib.

After a while I've found that one method with setting label.text callef from viewModel was called from globalQueue from some reasen. That caused that delay. I don't know yet why on iOS 11 and 12 that worked perfectly. I had to call that method from mainQueue and it woked perfectly for me. I'll have to check changes in iOS 13 about GCD.

Isn't it what I suggested in my reply Nov 22 ? It seems that was the correct answer.

Why did you answer it was already called from the main thread ?

So lesson for the future: when you ascertain something on the forum, please make sure it is correct.

Wasn't this the first answer by Claude31 back in November????

Claude31Nov 25, 2019 3:50 PM(

in response to arbura)

Did you try to replace line ( by :

  1. DispatchQueue.main.async {
  2. rootViewController.pushViewController(viewController, animated: true)
  3. }