MacBook Pro freezing after inactivity

After updating to macOS 10.15 beta 4 on my MacBook Pro Early 2015, if I leave my computer inactivate for about 5-10 minutes the computer completely freezes. There is not feedback of any key presses, the track pad doesn't "click", etc. I have to force a reboot but I am not recieving any log files to figure out what's happening. Is anyone else experiencing this or figured out how to prevent this?

So it seems to be a power management bug. Since it does not happen when not plugged into a charger, you can do all of your work while charging and then stop charging or you can do something that forces your computer to stay awake. I have seen suggestions of the "Amphetamine" app, available on the Mac App Store, or my solution of a true audio stream in a native app, like Music. Both seem to work in my case.

I have tried the "photolibraryd" fix and it does delay when the system freezes; however, it does in fact eventually freeze. This also does not make as much sense, at least to myself, since this process is always running whether the computer is plugged in or not.

In the mean time, the solution for me that has worked best, is creating a new user, I named mine "PleaseDontFreeze", and leave it with all factory settings and did NOT set an Apple ID! I just switch to that user when I step away from my desk and then switch back to my main user account.

Hopefully this helps everyone else having issues. Logging in and out is certainly not ideal, but better than forcing your system to restart or booting into Mojave everytime you leave your desk.

In the meantime, we should all be sure to report "feedback", "radars", whatever we call it now.

unplugging the power works, but there is another way, if you need to stay plugged.

---> Start to play Music WITH visual effect ON.

it worked for me all yesterday.

pay attention not to have the music stopped, as it freezes again.

I had initially created a nother user to help with this as well but remembering to log out and into the new one everytime I had to walk away was cumbersome and I did not want to set up everything I needed on a new user knowing that this will (hopefully) be resolved in a short time. I have found success in running Amphetamine. I also moved my photolibrary at the same time so not entirely sure which one worked but here I am an hour after walking away from my 2017 MacBook with the cover down, power connected and external monitor on and IT FINALLY DID NOT FREEZE!!!!!! Which means we will probably see this fixed and released tomorrow since I have spent 2 weeks losing my mind.

It seems this problem has persisted to Beta 6. I found that when I try to lock the screen the system does not allow any input, nor does it show the authentication window.

User-centric queries/comments such as this are perhaps best put to AppleCare's public community support forums, Apple's twitter support account and/or Apple’s YouTube Support Channel vs. risking off-topic here in DevForums, thanks and good luck.

Has anyone found a fix for this issue? Now experiencing with my 2017 MBP since upgrading to Catalina. Appears to only be an issue when plugged in.

Having a similar problem. 15" Macbook Pro, purchased in 2017, running Big Sur OS. A 27" External Monitor is connected via HDMI. After leaving the computer for awhile, I come back to find the display on the external monitor is offset, moved toward the upper right corner of the monitor, such that I can only see the bottom left quarter of the display. The display on the Macbook shows my sign-on. The mouse cursor is frozen on the external monitor. The only way to correct it is to do a forced restart.

Hi. Well, I just began experiencing this as of two weeks ago. Strangely, my MacBook pro was not doing this up until I got it back from an apple fix. I turned it to have the battery replaced. They contacted to offer to fix some "function" thing. So, I agreed. I got it back in 8 days. Well, my MacBook didn't come back the same. Now it freezes after idle just like yours. I too, loose feedback, pad becomes locked and no buttons work. In order to solve issue I have to keep rebooting. Sad thing is I don't know if the apple fix caused this or is it just a coincidence or something that happens once a MacBook reaches a certain age. You know what I mean. All I know is that I need help. Anybody have any advice? ?

MacBook Pro freezing after inactivity