Apple Developer Program account under investigation

So I recently submitted my app for app store review and they rejected it with the following message in resolution center :

We are unable to continue this app’s review because your Apple Developer Program account is currently under investigation for not following the App Store Review Guidelines’ Developer Code of Conduct.

Common practices that may lead to an investigation include, but are not limited to:

• Inaccurately describing an app or service

• Misleading app content

• Engaging in inauthentic ratings and reviews manipulation

• Providing misleading customer support responses

• Providing misleading responses in Resolution Center

• Engaging in misleading purchasing or bait-and-switch schemes

• Engaging in other dishonest or fraudulent activity within or outside of the app

During our investigation, we will not review any apps you submit. Once we have completed our investigation, we will notify you via Resolution Center.We do not require any additional information from you at this time, nor do we have any additional details to share. We appreciate your continued patience during our investigation.

Best regards,

App Store Review

Its been 10 days and I havent heard from Apple. I tried to submit an appeal asking why i was put under investigation.None of my other has been on sale for more than 6 months because I took them down as I was busy. All they said was that i should remain patient and that tehy will let me know in resolution center.

If anyone else has faced this issue then please let me know how it goes. This is getting very troublesome.

If you in a condition similar to mine then please keep this thread updated I'll keep this post updated with whatever replies I get from apple.

I think he means google play


Please update us when you get any responce. i'll do the same. Tense time 😟

In the meantime I am going to publish to google play.

Hello, I have received the same message 5 days ago. Did someone get any news?

Hello guys, I can confirm this message and also the other answers by Apple. Do not know what is going on, it is my first app, which I wanted to upload.

Just keep checking this thread. We will post an update if we get a response. We request you to do the same

I had the same issue in 2 accounts for no reason !!

You shouldnt submit the same app using another acount if one has already been put under investigastion.

they will flag it too.

Update. After 20 days I got the message from app review board. This is what I got from them


We are writing to let you know that we have completed our investigation of your Apple Developer Program account. You may now submit apps for review, and we will continue with the review of this app. If we find any issues during our review, we will communicate them via Resolution Center. Otherwise, your app will be approved. Please note that all apps submitted to the App Store are reviewed against the App Store Review Guidelines, including the Developer Code of Conduct. You can avoid future investigations by ensuring your apps don't attempt to mislead or harm customers or undermine the review process. Be sure to review the App Store Review Guidelines and read the Developer Code of Conduct so you understand our requirements prior to submitting any apps for review.

Best regards,

App Store Review

Turns out now my account is not under investigation. For other Devs who aren’t involved in fraudulent activities. The investigation will take 3 weeks and if you have done nothing they restore your ability to submit apps and resume reviewing any apps that were rejected. I hope this helps others.

Good luck.

Thanks for the update. Really appreciate that.

What' s go on with your app, which be rejected? Was it approved after completion of investigation?

Yes it was

The apps are different i'm a developer since 15 years.

I know the rules

It's almost one month passed and my Investigation is still going on...

Thank you for sharing. I had the same problem and still waiting.

Congrats your account's still alive 🙂


the exact same thing happened to me. No clue why.

Will I be able to submit other app if I remove app with this issue and message? Regards

I had the same experience with 96aman96. Apple finished the investigation after three weeks and my app is approved. Good luck.

I also received a letter that an investigation is underway. A month has passed and the field where they can write to them in App Store Connect disappeared. I can not contact them. What does it mean?

No, Becuase its not about that app any more. Now your account is under investigation

Yes thats true. You can contact them via help.

What categoty of your app? game or tool?

Same here! My account is also under investigation to more than 6 weeks and I have contacted them through email, but they just kept asking me to wait and be patient. I don't know if I should give up on developing in iOS and shift back to Android! Given that, the whole developement process in iOS seems to be way too slow. Sigh ~

Hi, I just got the same issues. Apple approved the first version of my app. After that, I submit a new version with a small feature (push notifications), but they rejected. The reason is the same as you guys. They asked me to confirm that I don’t violate a list of guidelines. I confirmed and then they told me that my account is under investigation.

Apple Developer Program account under investigation