No accounts with iTunes Connect access Xcode 9

When trying to upload an App to iTunes connect in Xcode 9 GM organizer I get the error

'No accounts with iTunes Connect access have been found for "<team name>". iTunes Connect access is required for App Store Distribution.'

However, uploading worked in Xcode 8, and it still works in the new Application Loader. I tried logging out and back in in Xcode.

closing and opening xcode fixed my problem too.

I just have one team in my account.

Close and reopen Xcode worked for me as well. 🙂

Does not work on 9.2 or 9.3 beta

Application Loader does not work either (I have 2FA and I generated manual passwords but that does not work)

Single Developer. Single Account.

2 days lost so far

Got this problem now! Single Developer, Single Account.

But , the Application Loader seems to work for me.

Thank you for your thoroughness , ended up using applicationloader when I had this problem now.

Same here 😀

thanks! restart xcode works!

Yep, this was the fix for me too. Just removing and re-adding my account didn't work, but restarting xcode after each step did.

Restarting Xcode worked for me.

me too 😉

Me too 🙂

I fixed this problem by

1. clean the project

2. close Xcode

3. reopen. everything works fine.

if the above steps does not fix your problem, maybe you can try to remove and readd your apple id.

For me this got resolved by just restarting Xcode 9

this worked for me too

I also faced the same problem. For me it was due to network. I disconnected my VPN and tried, its worked. So I suggest trying from an open network. The error might be causing due to you are behind firewall or proxy. Just a suggestion guys. Allthe best 🙂

This works for me.

I quit Xcode and relaunched. I was also carful to build my archive for an actual connected IOS devis (and not "generic ios device"). Overwall, this worked, don't know what actually fixed it though.

I agree, this just happened to me. The network connection OR the status of the Apple site can both cause the error message. I was trying to validate an app but received an invalid account message (but I could still log in to my Web iTunes account with Safari). When I deleted my account in Xcode and tried to re-add it, it gave me the message that it couldn't connect with the Apple server, which indicated the actual problem. Unfortunately many apps complain about the login or password being invalid when it's simply a network connection issue (e.g., Apple Mail).

I already done that but it does not work for me.

For me the issue was with the netwrok, i tried uploading using 4G connection instead of the office network and it worked fine.

Worked for me!

This fixed the issue for me too

Hey guys,

Got same issue/Error, Easy to fix to close Xcode completely wait for few seconds then start again( quit Xcode from dock too).

For me helps just restating Xcode and rebuilding with a general device 😕

This helped me out! Thanks!

For those still looking for an answer, this is the only one that helped me out 🙂

Tried everything. All I had to do, it turned out, was log out from my *** Apple ID and sign in with *** Apple ID.

Not sure why that happens.

No accounts with iTunes Connect access Xcode 9