High Sierra asking for ‘disk password’ and won’t accept any

i Have an APFS volume high Sierra install and for some reason it rebooted/went to sleep over night.

now it’s asking for a ‘disk password‘ and won’t let me in. I converted a filevault 2 volume from HPFS+ to APFS and everything Was working.

I’ve tried the MacOS password, Apple ID Password, FileVault recovery key, and iCloud recovery key and none let me in. What password does it need?

I found the solution.

diskutil apfs updatePreboot disk2s1 -od /Volume/Macintosh HD/Recovered Items/private/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default

I did the same with Target disk and for the first time, it changed from Paused to 23% decrypted!

Note that both computers (target disk and at least host) must be connected to the power for the decryption to resume.

When I run the command I get the following error...

This APFS Crypto User is not in the Open Directory database

Any idea what might be happening here?

Thanks a lot

aawesome thanks. I got home from work and the decrypt is at 17% now. Slow but it’s going. Hopefully it won’t get stuck. Waiting game now!

Hello! I followed your commands and it’s says “Background decryption is ongoing; see ‘diskutil apfs list” to see the progress When I entered the above command, it says “Decryption Progress: 10% (Unlocked) My question is “how long does it take to completely unlock?”. You had mentioned hours and house, just curious to know how much hours

How much time did it take for you?

This is my solution

diskutil apfs updatePreboot disk2s1 -od /Volumes/Macintosh HD/Recovered Items/private/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default

You need to find the location of Open Directory Database. '/private/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default'

Which was in my case '/Volume/Macintosh HD/Recovered Items/private/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default'

Find the directory and then replace that line.

Here are few tips for finding it:

You start from where your volume is mounted to. In my case, it was '/Volume/Macintosh HD'

Under that '/Recovered Items' is where you can find the Open Directory Database. This may be not the case of you, then skip this step.

Under that '/private/var' or '/var' (which is a symlink of '/private/var') will be found.

Inside it, you should find '/db/dslocal/nodes/Default'. this is the OD.

When you run

diskutil apfs list

You can see the mount point of your volume.

Then run

diskutil apfs updatePreboot <YOUR DISK HERE> -od <YOUR DIRECTORY HERE>

diskutil apfs updatePreboot disk2s1 -od /Volume/Macintosh HD/Recovered Items/private/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default

For people who are suffering from finding Open Directory Database. or error -69569 or -69568.

I found the solution. https://forums.developer.apple.com/message/265311#265311

See Jinsung's post he has some quite detailed instructions on the files to copy for open directory. The key is to verify that your user account exists within the subfolder under /private/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/Users. Should be yourusername.plist. In Jinsung's post it looks like he is updating the preboot in one command, I did it with two steps. First copying the files, then updating the preboot without the argument for which open directory path to use. Either should work.

As far as my progress I was able to get fully unlocked, and reinstalled without an issue!

It took me about 12 hours for the disk to reach 100%. After rebooting it still didn't work because the computer complained that the installer was corrupted. I had to reboot in recovery mode and finally high Sierra did install properly!

Thanks Jonathancjacob

that one orked for me just perfectly. thank you !

i have a same problem and i can’t fix that. can you please let me know how can i fix this?

if your computer is a macbook pro, you can try the following command, make sure you find the right disk and input the right command

diskutil apfs updatePreboot disk2s1 -od /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/Recovered\ Items/private/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default

else if a macbook air, you can try

diskutil apfs updatePreboot disk2s1 -od /Volumes/air/Recovered\ Items/private/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default

thanks. i did this and my login is appear again. but when i logged in this error appear “ MacOS could not be installed on your computer the path /System/installation/packages/OSInstall.mpkg appears to be missing or damaged. quit the installer to restart your computer and try again.” but when tap on restart same problem appears again. anyone can help me ?

You can try to install the system once more

I just wanted to give a big Thanks for this solution...I was crapping bricks last night and burned 3-4 hours trying to get my MacBook Pro to boot. This did it along with jinsung's procedure to point at the Default file in Recovered Files....

i try it.but i can't.when i try to choose disk for install os on it say it's decrypted.i thing it's about startup disk.if i can change startup disk to Macintosh HD it going to be worked but startup disk in recovery mode don't show any disk to choose.do you have idea to change startup disk with command line?

thanks for your reply

Hi Jinsung!

I followed your steps until:

diskutil apfs updatePreboot -od /Volume/Macintosh HD/Recovered Items/private/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default

but I says "Could not find APFS Volume -od". Any idea?



How long was your "inordinate amount of time" ?

It has been running for 2 hours but after reboot but just a fully filled status bar I hop I am on the right track i did get an error 0 success

Thank you

I didn't have this problem. I think it's none business with startup disk. When i start my macbook with recovery mode. I can choose to install high Sierra, which is the second choice. And then it just starts to install the new system

I have the same problem! 😢

if you can make a question in forum and i join you. it’s bad and no one can’t help us. svahdati71@gmail.com

Thank you! I'm finally getting - an overall error of 0.
Now, can I reboot directly from the terminal (if yes, how) or should I Restart the Mac and press Option key to enter to the Startup Manager and then select the boot drive?

UPDATE: So I waited all night nothing changed I rebooted it did it again I went back into the boot terminal again did the same steps and got this again.

Thinking: I cannot believe this was released to the public!

I tried the -od option but there isnt a Recovered Items folder. I will try this again but it appears that I have lost everything

Great time to switch back to Linux.

High Sierra asking for ‘disk password’ and won’t accept any