Server 5.4 changes

Hi all,

Server 5.4 has a weird thing. From release notes :

Caching Server, Time Machine Server, and File Sharing advanced options are now built directly into macOS

• Caching Server now supports a tiered architecture

Now, I can confirm all this is gone from Server itself. How do you manage them now ??? I don't get it.

All the people moaning they use this for important work, well-- do not use beta software! Stick to the older versions and your kittens will survive.

Wegface, I do not think you are understanding the probelm, the problem is not running beta software, the problem is that they moved these services away from and have included them in the core OS with no known way to manage these services remotely on a headless machine. If I want to set up time machine server, caching server, and filesharing I now need to screen share into the remote machine if I want a gui, or wait for the documentation to come out in order to use the command line. It was just easier and quicker to be able to do all of this from within

The core OS of which you speak is beta. Roll back to sierra and use the older server app.

Strange you say "no known way to manage these services headlessly" and then, in your next sentence, give a solution-- screen share.

I'm with ya GStone. The roadmap is the problem.

I know it won't do any good, but I agree - these changes are really scary for those of us who have relied on OS X Server and for years.

I agree too. But I don't think Apple cares.

So are you saying that if we remain on Sierra (non-Beta) and thus keep our heads in the sand that when High Sierra and Server 5.4 goes GA then Caching, etc. will be back in Server 5.4? I don't think so. Ignoring and not discussing the obvious changes they are intending to make in Server 5.4 and High Sierra is not the right approach. Unfortunately it seems that Apple doesn't care. A great solution would have been to add the Caching into the core OS with High Sierra like they did but if you install the 5.4 Server component then those core OS services are disabled in lieu of the Server 5.4 Caching component along with it's command line support and advanced options. Not a whole heck of a lot of additional coding needed here to accomplish. Also, not sure why they are still charging $20 for Server either. They'd do themselves and all of us a favor by making it free and opening it up to more eyes. Just when you think they are making more strides into Enterprise this happens. Oh well, what can you do.

Well put. Thanks for your input JMPATLANTA.

Content Caching in macOS High Sierra can be managed via UI using System Preferences > Sharing > Content Caching (access the advanced settings - including the Parents feature new in High Sierra - by holding down the option key and clicking the Advanced Options… button), and also via the command line using "sudo AssetCacheManagerUtil activate" to start it, "sudo AssetCacheManagerUtil deactivate" to stop it, and "sudo -u _assetcache defaults write /Library/Preferences/ <setting> <value>" to change settings. Read the man pages for AssetCacheManagerUtil(8) and defaults(1).

File Sharing & Time Machine advanced options can be managed via UI using the contextual menu on a shared folder in System Preferences > Sharing > File Sharing.

This is simply not good enough for managing a large number of clients and servers. We need more granularity for File Sharing and Time Machine Server that are present in Sierra Server. The inability to set only AFP or SMB on different share points is a huge step backwards. We still can't use SMB with Adobe and Microsoft file sharing. The AD user mask doesn't get observed correctly as part of a group. There is no reporting for Time Machine Server whatsoever. We use this daily to track broken or stalled client backups. Apple's investment in the Enterprise is absent in High Sierra Server. No offense.


"This is simply not good. We need more granularity for File Sharing and Time Machine Server that are present in Sierra Server. The inability to set only AFP or SMB on different share points is a huge step backwards. There is no reporting for Time Machine Server whatsoever."

Exactly! How are we supposed to manage Time Machine clients on a network. This is a major ***** up!

Thanks. Just o add thatI am stil lable to clone from existing repos on MacOS Server 5.4 and create new ones the "old-fashioned" way. Which I will do as I have quite a few repos referenced from all over the place so I do not wish to relocate. so, for example:

ssh to MacOS Server 5.4 then:

cd /Library/Developer/XcodeServer/HostedRepositories
mkdir my_project.git
cd my_project.git
git init --bare
git update-server-info # If planning to serve via HTTP

Good discussion from the group. You fellows have raised a lot of concerns for me. My question is whether I should stick with Tomcat or work further on Server 5.4 as a future platform. Your opinion is welcome. I installed server 5.4 and deployed two web applications on my home desktop computer (the trash can model). The html basic site works ok but the other website using JSP, java classes, mysql have not yet connected properly. It can't find jars, jsp, classes, root war deploying. My light background is using tomcat. web-inf, libs, etc. On my mini-mac development box ,the jsp/mysql using tomcat9 works ok so I am in search of some good documentation on OSX Server 5.4 My hope is to set up multiple personal websites for the volunteer groups that I participate with. I don't need file sharing, multiple users, office environment sharing a single box, but could use the email facility. Thank you for any advice. Regards John

Looks like by using the Server application on a remote machine you can select the server (in the side bar) whose file sharing you want to control. Then select Storage to see the server's file structure. By clicking the action button at the bottom of the window you can control permissions. Clunky but better than remoting in.

Dear Developer Team!

Why do this?

Please give us back the really good server solutions (Software and Hardware)!!! 5.4 server is... What will happen next?

AFP is will be dead and we buy some windows server solution because the smb on mac is bugyyy?!

Please give us "iserver" with:

- next generation AFP for the bigger files

- next generation Mail with more option like whitelist blacklist for domains (if cli have the command implement it to GUI)

- next generation firewall

and more...

Server 5.4 changes