Home app stuck on Loading Home... screen

When I launch the app it just gets stuck on this white screen that says Loading Home. I tried deleting it and reinstalling from the App Store but no luck so far. I see my devices and scenes in the Control Center widget. Anyone else having issues?

I had the same problem but then discovered I didn't have iCloud Keychain enabled. Once I enabled it and rebooted the device, that problem went away.

Didn't work for me, any other potential fixes, I'm currently on an SE

Remove home app, hard reboot (home button + power button) , reinstall app. Enter settings - open home app configuration- enable iCloud and reset all settings That worked for me

This didn't work for me either. I only have this problem when I'm signed in to a specific Apple ID, and I cannot figure out what's going on- no HomeKit apps are working with this Apple ID.

I have Home working on my iPhone but my iPad Pro displays Loading Home and stays there. Anyone know how to rectify this?

I had the same issue. It worked on my iPhone 6, but received "Loading Home" on iPad Air2. On the iPad I did a "Erase All Content and Settings" and then it worked. Not the best work around, but it worked.

I ran to the same issue. Resetting the iCloud Keychain associated with the AppleID they is being used on the iOS 10 device fixes the issue.

Do you mean the reset described at the bottom of this page? https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202755


Was having the same issue with an iPad Air 2 - none of the above steps helped, but Beta 2 seems to have resolved the issue.

I'm still having this issue on beta 2. It only happens with one Apple ID.

I am also having the same issue. Everything was working fine in ios9. Now I always get "iCloud Data Sync in Progress" or "Loading Home" in ios10 Home app. Even after I restore my iPhone to a new iPhone. Once I log into my account, it will always stuck at Loading Home. Any help would be greatly apprciated.

I'm having this same issue. No matter what I do, all of the options on this thread have not helped. Has anyone had any luck? Mine still says "Loading Accessories and Scenes". I'm on Beta 5 now.

I got a similliar problem, but in my case it is an invitation as guest to a home. I accept the invitation in Beta 5, the home is added twice and both have the Spinner not stopping.

Already reset iCloud access on the beta device, but this does not help. Send a Feedback to Apple.

Any thoughts on this? We're nearing the GM and I'm still having problems. I definitely think it's related to my Apple ID / iCloud / Keychain because I'm able to use the Home app if I turn iCloud off completely.

Tried all the tricks but Home is still stuck on "Loading Accessories and Scenes" when signed into iCloud. Signing out of iCloud altogether allows it to work perfectly. This seems to reveal two basic design flaws: 1. The "Home" setting within the iCloud settings menu is futile. I should have the option of it being off or on, locally stored or in the cloud; just like Calendars, Notes, Photos, or any other app. 2. If whatever HomeKit files stored on the cloud have been corrupted, there should be a simple, if not automatic fix for them rather than all the ones listed so far. All the other cloud services are easy to fix. Why is HomeKit so difficult?

I'm having this same issue.

....same issue here... How fix it?

Same problem on the official GM osx10

Still no help to be found. I'd called Apple support but they were oblivious to the issue, insisting that the problem was on my phone. I've even tried creating a test Apple account and what do you know, it works! All the advice for resetting HomeKit only applies to iOS 9 so it seems like we're stuck until Apple starts paying attention to the problem. I'm curious though, if you connect your phone to your computer, fire up the console, then try to start the home app... what error messages are you getting??

Yup, seeing the same thing here on two devices of a newly invited (iCloud family member) user to an existing home.

just updated my iPhone 6 to iOS 10 & had the same issue. Stuck on loading accessories and scenes. Tried all the above resets etc, but didn't work. Then I discovered keychain wasn't switched ON on my other device (ipad 2 - iOS 9.3.5) . switched this to ON, on my iPad & then my iPhone home app worked a treat.

I have the same trouble on iPhoneSE. Home App is stuck on "Loading Accessories and Scenes" screen. I'm on iOS10.0.1 :-(

I just installed iOS 10.0.1 on my iPhone 6 and the Home app opens up to the "Loading Accessories and Scenes" page with the little spinning wheel above it. I have called Apple support several times and have talked to several advisors. I tried all their recommendations and nothing has worked. I was finally told to do an iPhone restore through iTunes, which did not work as well. I called back and told an advisor this. He has pushed this issue up to Apple Engineering, which has been swamped. He said he would call or email me with an update sometime next week.

Thanks for the updates, i'll await your follow-up. Hopefully it will end with a resolution.

Home app stuck on Loading Home... screen