Custom URL Scheme for Setting on iOS 10?

Hello Friends.

Any Idea what happened to the Setting's Custom URL Scheme on iOS 10?

Is Apple still giving acess to third-pary apps to launch iOS Settings from the app via URL Scheme on iOS10? The Old URL scheme are not working anymore! 😟


Just tried and this code is still working for me:

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString]];

How about this: prefs:root or prefs:root=WIFI?

I think he is asking about opening some iOS Settings like Wifi, Cellular, etc... from third-party apps

Yes the othe dude is right.

But, how to open iOS Settings like Wifi, Cellular, etc... from my app.

Still not possible in beta 2.

yes, the Custom URL scheme dosen't work on iOS10 anymore.

I added the "prefs" in "URL types"(, still it done's work.

let keyboardSettingsURL = NSURL(string: "prefs:root=General&path=Keyboard")


Any body know that if it will be use in ios 10 so application will be approve or not?

The answer is in QA1924.


URL scheme is undocumented. Its use, except in the specific case described in this document, is a violation of the iOS App Review Guidelines and may result in the rejection of your app. You may only use prefs:root=General&path=Keyboard to open the Keyboard settings, and only from a custom keyboard extension. It may not be used by any other type of app, nor to open any other Settings.

i use prefs:root=General&path=Keyboard in keyboard extension but doesnt work for me yet in iOS10 with swift2.3, you use UIApplication.canOpenURL?

Is it legit as of now?