Unable to install watchOS 3

I put beta 1 of iOS 10.0 on my iPhone 6S+. I've installed the beta profile on my Apple Watch. The Watch app on my iPhone gives the following error message when I try to update the Watch:

"Could not connect to watch: Make sure your Apple Watch is nearby, powered on, and not in airplane mode"

Is anyone able to get watchOS updated?

I get "Unable to Check for Update" - Checking for software update failed because you are not connected to the Internet.

im finally getting it to go thru but it has taken a long time an hour thus far.

Mine is suddenly working now too... I'll have to wait until I get home to connect it to a charger though...

I am having trouble as well. I noticed an existing profile on my watch. I deleted that profile and now it has started working. I'll post back here if I run into any more trouble.

Mine paused after 30 minute, then said it could nt connect. Rebooted devices and now starting over. Says 2 hours now.

right after an Apple announcement, all the servers are absolutely swamped. Things take a little longer than usual.

I've had the Public Betas installed through today (because they've been consistently more stable), and updated to my DEV Beta Profiles today so I can get WatchOS 3. I installed iOS 10 beta on my iPhone 6 without any issue (except it was slow to download)... but I got stuck trying to update the Watch. I continuously got "Watch OS 2.2.2 Installed - You're on the latest software".

Even though I had the proper profile installed, it seems the profiles all conflict, and clearing them out is a bit messy and I tried a bunch of steps to try to get it to show up... all which failed until the last one. For anyone else who gets stuck here, the only way I was able to get through this was to Remove ALL Profiles from the Apple Watch, then restart the Apple Watch & iPhone, then add the new profile & restart the Apple Watch & iPhone again. Then WatchOS 3 shows up for the software download.

I'm not sure if every iPhone restart is 100% necessary, but the Apple Watch restarts definitely were for me.

EDIT: Quick note... There was no need to downgrade or restore the watch or phone to any factory settings. I did however reset all network settings at one point. I don't think it helped, but if the above doesn't work you can give it a try too.

Is iOS 10 required on the phone for this to work?

I am on iOS 9...and installed the watchOS 3 beta profile on my Apple Watch. But it is saying I am up to date (on 2.2.1). I don't have any other profiles on the watch and have restarted it multiple times.

I'm in exactly the same situation. I've looked carefully at the download page and the watchOS release notes, but nothing says I need iOS 10.

Now I'm getting "unable to check for update"...so, I think there's something up and it will work with iOS 9 eventually.

Lucky you guys. Mine has the ! inside a circle and the message "www.apple.com/help/watch"

pretty sure mine is bricked

same here

I finally found in the installation instructions where it says "Your iPhone must be running iOS 10 beta to install watchOS 3 beta."

So, that's that. Now I have to decide whether I'm brave enough to install iOS 10...

where does it say that?

I got the same problem, Everytime trying to update my Apple I receive a message saying "Unable to check for Update" you are not connected to the internet.

same problem here. How do we get past this and get the update?

I got it to work but I had to try so many times. I finally restarted the iPhone, then deleted the provisioning, then restarted the watch. Then for the heck of it, I tried to update while the watch was still booting. It timed out (obviously) but retrying worked. It took a long time to update, but it finally did.

The new features are great but the battery life will suffer because the watch is that much more useful now.

Tried everything but no respite

I figured out what I was doing wrong. I was an *****. I kept putting the iOS 10 profile rather then the watchos3 profile. Check and see that you're not doing what I did wrong

Nope i have the watchos 3 config profile fle only installed and i have already upgraded to iOS 10.Keeps showing unable to update as you are not connscted to the internet. Tried deleting profile and installing,restarting etc etc

Getting "Unable to check update" too.

I've found a website that says that you must first add your Apple Watch UDID to the Devices list on your Apple Developer account, i've done that and i'm still stuck on the same problem.


have you managed to it working. I'm having the same issue

Same issue this side. Been trying since yesterday. 😟

Anyone have a secret recipe?

I was having problems, followed the instructions here to reboot, remove profiles, reboot, reinstall profiles, reboot and then try. It didn't work. It is now working as a result of 1 of the 3 following additional things:

1. took off Apple Watch and plugged it into charger.

2. turned off WiFi on phone and tried checking for update on 4G

3. Apple fixed something at their end...

None of Thaís worked. 😟

Unable to install watchOS 3