Provide views, controls, and layout structures for declaring your app's user interface using SwiftUI.

SwiftUI Documentation






Gesture: System gesture gate timed out.
Hi everyone I am fighting with a weird problem in my app I use swiftui and ai do not use tabs, but a hierarchy of view created by me that switch one to the other with a slide animation when I tap one of the elements i don't use gesture, but only ontap. The same app launched on two different iPhone has two different behaviours on the iPhone 11 no problem, the animation is fluid and responsive, on the iPhone 10 I got some delay, and in the console I can read Gesture: System gesture gate timed out I have searched but I have not found anything useful and more than this it is extremely difficult to find some info about this warning/error How can I solve this? on the iPhone 10 it seems like the animation got stuck for 1 seconds prior to be executed in the correct way
May ’23
SwiftUI Stepper Crashes (EXC_BAD_ACCESS) on My Mac (Designed for iPhone) but works fine on iOS device/simulator?
I've been working on an iOS project for the iPhone and would like to support running it on macOS computers with Apple Silicon. In the Targets / Supported Destinations we added "Mac (Designed for iPhone)" but experienced Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS crashes immediately when we tried to run it. We've isolated it down to Stepper UI elements in our view. Starting a new project and just trying to present a single Stepper in the ContentView, we get the same crash. Here is code that presents the issue: // ContentView.swift import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @State var someValue = 5 var body: some View { VStack { Stepper("Stepper", value: $someValue, in: 0...10) } } } When run from Xcode on an iOS device or the simulator, it runs fine. Trying to run it on the Mac, it crashes here: // Stepper_01App.swift import SwiftUI @main // <-- Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address=0x16a643f70) struct Stepper_01App: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() } } } Xcode 14.3 (14E222b), MacOS Ventura 13.3.1 (a), Mac mini M2. Target: Mac (Designed for iPhone) We have verified that the same code crashes on all the Apple Silicon Macs we have access to. Searching the Internet and Apple Developer forums I dont find other reports, so I kind of feel there must be some level of either user error or system/project misconfiguration going on? If any iOS app that used Steppers was just crashing when trying to run on a Mac, it seems like this would be a big deal. If anyone has input or can point out what we need to do differently, it would be appreciated!
May ’23
SwiftUI - observing AVPlayer playback state
I am learning SwiftUI, I want to observe an AVPlayer status so I know when the videos is paused or not. My current approach is more less like this: I have VideosView that holds a list of a videos (in ZStack cards). VideoViews has a VideosViewModel. in VideosView i am calling in onAppear VideosViewModel.getItems... struct ItemModel: Identifiable, Codable, Hashable, Equatable { var id: String var author: String // video owner var url: URL? // url to the video var player: AVPlayer? // AVPlayer created based on self.url... mutating func setPlayer(_ avPlayer: AVPlayer) { self.player = avPlayer } } // vm class FeedViewModel: ObservableObject { @Published private(set) var items: [ItemModel] = [] func getItems() async { do { // fetch data from the API let data = try await dataService.fetchFeeds() // download and attach videos downloadFeedVideos(data) } catch { // .... } } private func downloadFeedVideos(_ feeds: [ItemModel]) { for index in feeds.indices { var item = feeds[index] if let videoURL = item.url { self.downloadQueue.queueDownloadIfFileNotExists( videoURL, DownloadOperation( session: URLSession.shared, downloadTaskURL: videoURL, completionHandler: { [weak self] (localURL, response, error) in guard let tempUrl = localURL else { return } let saveResult = self?.fileManagerService.saveInTemp(tempUrl, fileName: videoURL.lastPathComponent) switch saveResult { case .success(let savedURL): DispatchQueue.main.async { // maybe this is a wrong place to have it? item.setPlayer(AVPlayer(url: savedURL)) self?.items.append(item) if self?.items.count ?? 0 > 1 { // once first video is downloaded, use all device cores to fetch next videos // all newest iOS devices has 6 cores self?.downloadQueue.setMaxConcurrentOperationCount(.max) } } case .none: break case .failure(_): EventTracking().track("Video download fail", [ "id":, "ulr": videoURL.absoluteString.decodeURL() ]) } }), { fileCacheURL in // file already downloaded DispatchQueue.main.async { item.setPlayer(AVPlayer(url: fileCacheURL)) self.items.append(item) } }) } } } } I found this article with some pseudo-code of how to track video playback state but I'm not sure how to implement it in my code....
May ’23
SwiftUI view printout on paper
Hello and thanks for reading my post. I have a SwiftUI view, the users should be able to click a button and take printout of that view. Clicking on the button should open the standard print sheet (select printer, pages, layout, etc.). How can I implement such a functionality? I have been trying hard without any success. Please help. It is an iPad app, using Xcode 14.3
Jun ’23
@Observable and didSet?
I'm in the process of migrating to the Observation framework but it seems like it is not compatible with didSet. I cannot find information about if this is just not supported or a new approach needs to be implemented? import Observation @Observable class MySettings { var windowSize: CGSize = .zero var isInFullscreen = false var scalingMode: ScalingMode = .scaled { didSet { ... } } ... } This code triggers this error: Instance member 'scalingMode' cannot be used on type 'MySettings'; did you mean to use a value of this type instead? Anyone knows what needs to be done? Thanks!
Jun ’23
.refreshable on macOS?
Is .refreshable supposed to do anything on macOS? Works fine on iOS and iPadOS but it's not triggered on macOS. It's available since macOS 12 but the documentation doesn't mention anything about that.
Jun ’23
Does code at 04:41 compile?
The code for @State doesn't seem to work. struct DonutListView: View { var donutList: DonutList @State private var donutToAdd: Donut? var body: some View { List(donutList.donuts) { DonutView(donut: $0) } Button("Add Donut") { donutToAdd = Donut() } .sheet(item: $donutToAdd) { // <-- would need a "donut in" TextField("Name", text: $ // <-- donutToAdd is optional and I'm not sure how it would be unwrapped Button("Save") { donutList.donuts.append(donutToAdd) donutToAdd = nil } Button("Cancel") { donutToAdd = nil } } } } Does anyone have a fix for this? Thanks, Dan!
Jun ’23
Observation and MainActor
Previously, it was recommended to use the @MainActor annotation for ObservableObject implementation. @MainActor final class MyModel: ObservableObject { let session: URLSession @Published var someText = "" init(session: URLSession) { self.session = session } } We could use this as either a @StateObject or @ObservedObject: struct MyView: View { @StateObject let model = MyModel(session: .shared) } By moving to Observation, I need to the @Observable macro, remove the @Published property wrappers and Switch @StateObject to @State: @MainActor @Observable final class MyModel { let session: URLSession var someText = "" init(session: URLSession) { self.session = session } } But switching from @StateObject to @State triggers me an error due to a call to main-actor isolated initialiser in a synchronous nonisolated context. This was not the case with @StateObject of @ObservedObject. To suppress the warning I could : mark the initializer as nonisolated but it is not actually what I want Mark the View with @MainActor but this sounds odd Both solutions does not sound nice to my eye. Did I miss something here?
Jun ’23
SwiftUI NavigationSplitView like Apple Music
In the Apple Music app on iPad (horizontal size class == .regular), when a selection is made from the Split View sidebar, the detail switches to a separate UINavigationController for that selection, where we can push/pop views. If we make a different selection from the sidebar, we get another UINavigationController to manipulate. If we return to the first selection, the detail view is still showing the stack contents for that controller. I am trying to get the same behavior from NavigationSplitView in SwiftUI, but the detail view will reset its presented controller to its root. I think this is because NavigationSplitView uses whatever NavigationStack it finds in the detail hierarchy to manage its contents, effectively erasing the per-view stack contents. I have tried various methods of saving and restoring the navigation path without any luck. Any ideas on how to approach this? I have included a very simple example to show what I'm talking about. import SwiftUI struct ExampleView: View { enum Selection: String, CaseIterable { case letters case numbers } @State private var selection: Selection? var body: some View { NavigationSplitView { List(selection: $selection) { ForEach(Selection.allCases, id: \.self) { selection in NavigationLink(value: selection) { Text(selection.rawValue.capitalized) } } } .navigationTitle("Sidebar") } detail: { switch selection { case .letters: self.lettersView case .numbers: self.numbersView default: Text("Make a selection") } } } var lettersView = LettersView() var numbersView = NumbersView() } struct ExampleView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { ExampleView() } } // MARK: - struct LettersView: View { private let letters = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"] @State private var path = NavigationPath() var body: some View { NavigationStack(path: $path) { List { ForEach(letters, id: \.self) { letter in NavigationLink(value: letter) { Text(letter.uppercased()) } } } .navigationTitle("Letters") .navigationDestination(for: String.self) { letter in Text(letter.uppercased()).font(.largeTitle) } } } } // MARK: - struct NumbersView: View { private let numbers = Array(0..<6) @State private var path = NavigationPath() var body: some View { NavigationStack(path: $path) { List { ForEach(numbers, id: \.self) { number in NavigationLink(value: number) { Text(String(number)) } } } .navigationTitle("Numbers") .navigationDestination(for: Int.self) { number in Text(String(number)).font(.largeTitle) } } } }
Jun ’23
No macro named 'Preview' - error
So I am trying to move an old project from ios16 to ios17... wanted to play around with the new previews, and animations and first error I get is the above. When I create a new project I can use the macro just fine. What is more: when I add a new swiftUI file I get the same error with the #Preview macro. I went through the project and target settings, making sure everything is set to ios17 and Swift5, but can't find any other settings. Cleared the build cache and rebuilt from scratch. Hoping someone else ran onto the same problem and found a solution? Without using #Preview
Jun ’23
Handling cancel button in SwiftUI PhotoPicker (inline)
Using the new inline PhotosPicker style in iOS 17, it isn't made clear how to handle the cancel button's input, and i cannot seem to find an answer in the documentation. PhotosPicker( "Select picture", selection: $selected, selectionBehavior: .default, photoLibrary: .shared() ) .photosPickerStyle(.inline) Does anybody have a solution or is this a bug that needs to be fixed?
Jun ’23
Which is already presenting occurs when another View is presented while the Menu is displayed in SwiftUI.
Certainly, here's an explanation and the minimal code to reproduce the issue in English: In SwiftUI, attempting to present a sheet or any other presentation view while a Menu view is open causes a conflict. This is because SwiftUI does not allow multiple presentation views to be open at the same time. Here's the simplest code to reproduce the issue: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @State var showSheet = false var body: some View { VStack { Menu { Button("Option 1") { } Button("Option 2") { } } label: { Text("Open Menu") } Button(action: { showSheet = true }) { Text("Open Sheet") } .sheet(isPresented: $showSheet) { Text("Hello, Sheet!") } } } } struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { ContentView() } }
Jun ’23
VisionOS Set Default Window Size
Is it possible to specify a default window size for a 2D window in visionOS? I know this is normally achieved by modifying the WindowGroup with .defaultSize(width:height:), but I get an error that this was not included in "xrOS". I am able to specify .defaultSize(width:height:depth:) for a volumetric window, but this doesn't have any effect when applied to a 2D one.
Jun ’23
Pass @Query filter predicate from parent view in SwiftData
Hi all, I am starting using the new amazing SwiftData and I really like it! I have a question regarding how to pass the filter predicate from the parent view. In my app I have a simple case where I have a package that contains multiple items. When I package is selected a view is pushed with the list of items in that package. The Items view has a query as following: struct ScoreListView: View { [.....] @Query(filter: #Predicate<SWDItem> { item in item.package?.id == } ,sort: \.timestamp) var items: [SWDItem] [.....] var body: some View { [...] } The problem is that selectedPackage is not "yet" available when defining the @Query and I have the classic error "Cannot use instance member 'selectedPackage' within property initializer; property initializers run before 'self' is available". How can I structure the code to have the selected package available when the @Query is defined? Thank you a lot
Jun ’23
Binding with ForEach or List doesn't work anymore when using @Observable macro
Hi. The binding in a ForEach or List view doesn't work anymore when using the @Observable macro to create the observable object. For example, the following are the modifications I introduced to the Apple's example called "Migrating from the Observable Object Protocol to the Observable Macro" struct LibraryView: View { @Environment(Library.self) private var library var body: some View { List($library.books) { $book in BookView(book: book) } } } All I did was to add the $ to turn the reference to library.books into a binding but I got the error "Cannot find '$library' in scope" Is this a bug or the procedure to use binding in lists changed? Thanks
Jun ’23
RealityView update closure
Apple docs for RealityView state: You can also use the optional update closure on your RealityView to update your RealityKit content in response to changes in your view’s state." Unfortunately, I've not been able to get this to work. All of my 3D content is programmatically generated - I'm not using any external 3D modeling tools. I have an object that conforms to @ObservableObject. Its @Published variables define the size of a programmatically created Entity. Using the initializer values of these @Published variables, the 1st rendering of the RealityView { content in } works like a charm. Basic structure is this: var body: some View { RealityView { content in // create original 3D content using initial values of @Published variables - works perfect } update: { content in // modify 3D content in response to changes of @Published variables - never works } Debug statements show that the update: closure gets called as expected - based upon changes in the viewModel's @Published variables. However, the 3D content never changes - even though the 3D content is based upon the @Published variables. Obviously, if the @Published variables are used in the 1st rendering, and the update: closure is called whenever changes occur to these @Published variables, then why isn't the update: closure updating the RealityKit content as described in the Apple docs? I've tried everything I can think of - including removing all objects in the update: closure and replacing them with the same call that populated them in the 1st rendering. Debug statements show that the new @Published values are correct as expected when the update: closure is called, but the RealityView never changes. Known limitation of the beta? Programmer error? Thoughts?
Jul ’23
macOS widget preview error
Following article Creating a widget extension on ( I encountered a problem with XCode preview: it shows an error with message | RemoteHumanReadableError: Failed to launch agent | No plugin is registered to launch the process type widgetExtension. Can someone help me? macOS 13.4 XCode 14.3.1
Jul ’23
Fatal crash when using CoreData and deleting item from list with Section headers
Greetings - The following code appears to work, but when a list item is deleted from a Category section that contains other list items, the app crashes (error = "Thread 1: EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=1, subcode=0x180965354)"). I've confirmed that the intended item is deleted from the appData.items array - the crash appears to happen right after the item is deleted. I suspect that the problem somehow involves the fact that the AppData groupedByCategory dictionary and sortedByCategory array are computed properties and perhaps not updating as intended when an item is deleted? Or maybe the ContentView doesn't know they've been updated? My attempt to solve this by adding "appData.objectWillChange.send()" has not been successful, nor has my online search for solutions to this problem. I'm hoping someone here will either know what's happening or know I could look for additional solutions to try. My apologies for all of the code - I wanted to include the three files most likely to be the source of the problem. Length restrictions prevent me from including the "AddNewView" code and some other details, but just say the word if that detail would be helpful. Many, many thanks for any help anyone can provide! @main struct DeletionCrashApp: App { let persistenceController = PersistenceController.shared // Not sure where I should perform this command @StateObject var appData = AppData(viewContext: PersistenceController.shared.container.viewContext) var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() .environment(\.managedObjectContext, persistenceController.container.viewContext) .environmentObject(appData) } } } import Foundation import SwiftUI import CoreData class AppData: NSObject, ObservableObject { // MARK: - Properties @Published var items: [Item] = [] private var fetchedResultsController: NSFetchedResultsController<Item> private (set) var viewContext: NSManagedObjectContext // viewContext can be read but not set from outside this class // Create a dictionary based upon the category var groupedByCategory: [String: [Item]] { Dictionary(grouping: items.sorted(), by: {$0.category}) } // Sort the category-based dictionary alphabetically var sortedByCategoryHeaders: [String] {{ $0.key }).sorted(by: {$0 < $1}) } // MARK: - Methods func deleteItem(itemObjectID: NSManagedObjectID) { do { guard let itemToDelete = try viewContext.existingObject(with: itemObjectID) as? Item else { return // exit the code without continuing or throwing an error } viewContext.delete(itemToDelete) } catch { print("Problem in the first do-catch code: \(error)") } do { try } catch { print("Failure to save context: \(error)") } } // MARK: - Life Cycle init(viewContext: NSManagedObjectContext) { self.viewContext = viewContext let request = NSFetchRequest<Item>(entityName: "ItemEntity") request.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \, ascending: true)] fetchedResultsController = NSFetchedResultsController(fetchRequest: request, managedObjectContext: viewContext, sectionNameKeyPath: nil, cacheName: nil) super.init() fetchedResultsController.delegate = self do { try fetchedResultsController.performFetch() guard let items = fetchedResultsController.fetchedObjects else { return } self.items = items } catch { print("failed to fetch items: \(error)") } } // end of init() } // End of AppData extension AppData: NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate { func controllerDidChangeContent(_ controller: NSFetchedResultsController<NSFetchRequestResult>) { guard let items = controller.fetchedObjects as? [Item] else { return } self.items = items } } import SwiftUI import CoreData struct ContentView: View { @Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext @EnvironmentObject var appData: AppData @State private var showingAddNewView = false @State private var itemToDelete: Item? @State private var itemToDeleteObjectID: NSManagedObjectID? var body: some View { NavigationView { List { ForEach(appData.sortedByCategoryHeaders, id: \.self) { categoryHeader in Section(header: Text(categoryHeader)) { ForEach(appData.groupedByCategory[categoryHeader] ?? []) { item in Text( .swipeActions(allowsFullSwipe: false) { Button(role: .destructive) { self.itemToDelete = appData.items.first(where: {$ ==}) self.itemToDeleteObjectID = itemToDelete!.objectID appData.deleteItem(itemObjectID: itemToDeleteObjectID!) // appData.objectWillChange.send() <- does NOT fix the fatal crash } label: { Label("Delete", systemImage: "trash.fill") } } // End of .swipeActions() } // End of ForEach(appData.groupedByReplacementCategory[categoryHeader] } // End of Section(header: Text(categoryHeader) } // End of ForEach(appData.sortedByCategoryHeaders, id: \.self) } // End of List .navigationBarTitle("", displayMode: .inline) .navigationBarItems( trailing: Button(action: { self.showingAddNewView = true }) { Image(systemName: "plus") } ) .sheet(isPresented: $showingAddNewView) { // show AddNewView here AddNewView(name: "") } } // End of NavigationView } // End of body } // End of ContentView extension Item { @nonobjc public class func fetchRequest() -> NSFetchRequest<Item> { return NSFetchRequest<Item>(entityName: "ItemEntity") } @NSManaged public var category: String @NSManaged public var id: UUID @NSManaged public var name: String } extension Item : Identifiable { }
Jul ’23
Drag and Drop operations fail when executed from within the same List
I am working on creating a file viewer to browse a network directory as a way to introduce myself to iOS app development, and was trying to implement a feature that would allow users to drag and drop both files and folders onto another folder inside of the app to move items around. However, it seems that if the View that is set to draggable, and then the view that is set as the Drop Destination is in the same List, then the Drop Destination will not detect when the draggable view has been dropped onto it. Here is the structure of my code: List { Section(header: Text("Folders")) { ForEach($folders, id: \.id) { $folder in FolderCardView() .onDrop(of: [UTType.item], isTargeted: $fileDropTargeted, perform: { (folders, cgPoint) -> Bool in print("Dropped") return true }) } } Section(header: Text("Files")) { ForEach($files, id: \.id) { $file in FileCardView() .onDrag({ let folderProvider = NSItemProvider(object: file) return folderProvider }) } } } I have verified that the issue comes down to the list, because if I move both of the ForEach loops out on their own, or even into their own respective lists, the code works perfectly. I have not only tested this with the older .onDrop and .onDrag modifiers as shown above, but also the newer .draggable and .dropDestination modifiers, and the result is the same. Does anyone know if this is intended behavior? I really like the default styling that the List element applies to other elements within, so I am hoping that it might just be a bug or an oversight. Thanks!
Jul ’23
Crashes "[RenderBox] RB::Animation::size(RB::Animation::TermOrArg const*, unsigned long) EXC_BAD_ACCESS" on iOS 17
Recently, we got crash reports on "[RenderBox] RB::Animation::size(RB::Animation::TermOrArg const*, unsigned long) EXC_BAD_ACCESS" on iOS 17 only. Is this an iOS 17 beta issue? This is the crash log. ========= Incident Identifier: F64495FD-BD28-4C35-9AA6-B9CCFFE46689 Hardware Model: iPhone13,4 Process: ourapp [774] Path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/88384E91-49B7-4AD3-ABB7-29569372166F/ Identifier: com.ourcompany.ourapp Version: 2.1.11 (4111) AppStoreTools: 14E221 AppVariant: 1:iPhone13,4:15 Code Type: ARM-64 (Native) Role: Foreground Parent Process: launchd [1] Coalition: com.ourcompany.ourapp [891] Date/Time: 2023-07-10 20:39:42.0369 +0900 Launch Time: 2023-07-10 20:39:37.5495 +0900 OS Version: iPhone OS 17.0 (21A5277h) Release Type: Beta Baseband Version: 4.02.00 Report Version: 104 Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) Exception Subtype: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000235686558 Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000235686558 VM Region Info: 0x235686558 is not in any region. Bytes after previous region: 19621209 Bytes before following region: 13933224 REGION TYPE START - END [ VSIZE] PRT/MAX SHRMOD REGION DETAIL unused __TEXT 23437adb8-2343d0000 [ 341K] r--/rw- SM=COW ...ed lib __TEXT ---> GAP OF 0x2000000 BYTES unused __TEXT 2363d0000-2363e4000 [ 80K] r--/r-- SM=COW ...ed lib __TEXT Termination Reason: SIGNAL 11 Segmentation fault: 11 Terminating Process: exc handler [774] Triggered by Thread: 0 Kernel Triage: VM - (arg = 0x3) mach_vm_allocate_kernel failed within call to vm_map_enter VM - (arg = 0x3) mach_vm_allocate_kernel failed within call to vm_map_enter VM - (arg = 0x3) mach_vm_allocate_kernel failed within call to vm_map_enter Thread 0 name: Thread 0 Crashed: 0 RenderBox 0x00000001f56047bc 0x1f5588000 + 509884 1 RenderBox 0x00000001f561af9c 0x1f5588000 + 602012 2 RenderBox 0x00000001f55c3e38 0x1f5588000 + 245304 3 RenderBox 0x00000001f55c3c78 0x1f5588000 + 244856 4 SwiftUI 0x000000018c71f860 0x18bb78000 + 12220512 5 SwiftUI 0x000000018c71e7b8 0x18bb78000 + 12216248 6 SwiftUI 0x000000018cf003a4 0x18bb78000 + 20480932 7 SwiftUI 0x000000018c71d3dc 0x18bb78000 + 12211164 8 SwiftUI 0x000000018c71cbe0 0x18bb78000 + 12209120 9 SwiftUI 0x000000018bee7fa8 0x18bb78000 + 3604392 10 SwiftUI 0x000000018c167020 0x18bb78000 + 6221856 11 AttributeGraph 0x00000001b0027d10 0x1b0024000 + 15632 12 AttributeGraph 0x00000001b0027674 0x1b0024000 + 13940 13 AttributeGraph 0x00000001b00269cc 0x1b0024000 + 10700 14 SwiftUI 0x000000018bb96078 0x18bb78000 + 123000 15 SwiftUI 0x000000018d3926dc 0x18bb78000 + 25274076 16 SwiftUI 0x000000018bb8af20 0x18bb78000 + 77600 17 SwiftUI 0x000000018bb936e4 0x18bb78000 + 112356 18 SwiftUI 0x000000018bb8e0a4 0x18bb78000 + 90276 19 SwiftUI 0x000000018bb88ad4 0x18bb78000 + 68308 20 SwiftUI 0x000000018d3926a4 0x18bb78000 + 25274020 21 SwiftUI 0x000000018d392590 0x18bb78000 + 25273744 22 SwiftUI 0x000000018bc3a620 0x18bb78000 + 796192 23 SwiftUI 0x000000018c387328 0x18bb78000 + 8450856 24 SwiftUI 0x000000018c3873d4 0x18bb78000 + 8451028 25 UIKitCore 0x000000018a7edec8 0x18a106000 + 7241416 26 UIKitCore 0x000000018aee1438 0x18a106000 + 14529592 27 UIKitCore 0x000000018aee0990 0x18a106000 + 14526864 28 CoreFoundation 0x0000000187ff8800 0x187f27000 + 858112 29 CoreFoundation 0x0000000188003930 0x187f27000 + 903472 30 CoreFoundation 0x0000000187f9168c 0x187f27000 + 435852 31 CoreFoundation 0x0000000187fa3a24 0x187f27000 + 510500 32 CoreFoundation 0x0000000187fa86c0 0x187f27000 + 530112 33 GraphicsServices 0x00000001ca02a224 0x1ca029000 + 4644 34 UIKitCore 0x000000018a494d08 0x18a106000 + 3730696 35 UIKitCore 0x000000018a49496c 0x18a106000 + 3729772 36 ourapp 0x000000010406af94 main + 68 (AppDelegate.swift:20) 37 dyld 0x00000001aad404f8 0x1aad2b000 + 87288 ========= Thanks.
Jul ’23