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Swift Exception Handling in Apple OSes
I have an app whose logic is in C++ and rest of the parts (UI) are in Swift and SwiftUI. Exceptions can occur in C++ and Swift. I've got the C++ part covered by using the Linux's signal handler mechanism to trap signals which get raised due to exceptions. But how should I capture exceptions in Swift? When I say exceptions in Swift, I mean, divide by zero, force unwrapping of an optional containing nil, out of index access in an array, etc. Basically, anything that can go wrong, I don't want my app to abruptly crash... I need a chance to finalise my stuff, alert the user, prepare diagnostic reports and terminate. I'm looking for a 'catch-all' exception handler. As an example, let's take Android. In Android, there is the setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler method to register for all kinds of exceptions in any thread in Kotlin. I'm looking for something similar in Swift that should work for macOS, iOS & iPadOS, tvOS and watchOS. I first came across the NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler method. My understanding is, this only works when I explicitly raise NSExceptions. When I tested it, observed that the exception handler didn't get invoked for either case - divide by zero or invoking raise. class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate { func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) { Log("AppDelegate.applicationDidFinishLaunching(_:)") // Set the 'catch-all' exception handler for Swift exceptions. Log("Registering exception handler using NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler()...") NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler { (exception: NSException) in Log("AppDelegate.NSUncaughtExceptionHandler()") Log("Exception: \(exception)") } Log("Registering exception handler using NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler() succeeded!") // For C++, use the Linux's signal mechanism. ExceptionHandlingCpp.RegisterSignals() //ExceptionHandlingCpp.TestExceptionHandler() AppDelegate.TestExceptionHandlerSwift() } static func TestExceptionHandlerSwift() { Log("AppDelegate.TestExceptionHandlerSwift()") DivisionByZero(0) } private static func DivisionByZero(_ divisor: Int) { Log("AppDelegate.DivisionByZero()") let num1: Int = 2 Log("Raising Exception...") //let result: Int = num1/divisor let exception: NSException = NSException(name: NSExceptionName(rawValue: "arbitrary"), reason: "arbitrary reason", userInfo: nil) exception.raise() Log("Returning from DivisionByZero()") } } In the above code, dividing by zero, nor raising a NSException invokes the closure passed to NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler, evident from the following output logs AppDelegate.applicationWillFinishLaunching(_:) AppDelegate.applicationDidFinishLaunching(_:) Registering exception handler using NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler()... Registering exception handler using NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler() succeeded! ExceptionHandlingCpp::RegisterSignals() .... AppDelegate.TestExceptionHandlerSwift() AppDelegate.DivisionByZero() Raising Exception... Currently, I'm reading about ExceptionHandling framework, but this is valid only for macOS. What is the recommended way to capture runtime issues in Swift?
Crash casting class from obj_copyClassList to a type
This is similar to this post https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/700770 on using objc_copyClassList to obtain the available classes. When iterating the list, I try casting the result to an instance of a protocol and that works fine: protocol DynamicCounter { init(controlledByPlayer: Bool, game: Game) } class BaseCounter: NSObject, DynamicCounter { } static func withAllClasses<R>( _ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<AnyClass>) throws -> R ) rethrows -> R { var count: UInt32 = 0 let classListPtr = objc_copyClassList(&count) defer { free(UnsafeMutableRawPointer(classListPtr)) } let classListBuffer = UnsafeBufferPointer( start: classListPtr, count: Int(count) ) return try body(classListBuffer) } static func initialize() { let monoClasses = withAllClasses { $0.compactMap { $0 as? DynamicCounter.Type } } for cl in monoClasses { cl.initialize() } } The above code works fine if I use DynamicCounter.Type on the cast but crashes if try casting to BaseCounter.Type instead. Is there a way to avoid the weird and non Swift classes?
@Observable in command line app
I have a problem with the following code, I am not being notified of changes to the progress property of my Job object, which is @Observable... This is a command-line Mac application (the same code works fine in a SwiftUI application). I must have missed something? do { let job = AsyncJob() withObservationTracking { let progress = job.progress } onChange: { print("Current progress: \(job.progress)") } let _ = try await job.run() print("Done...") } catch { print(error) } I Try this without any success: @main struct MyApp { static func main() async throws { // my code here } }
Sending 'self' risks causing data races
Hi! I'm trying to implement Swift 6 in my code but can't fix one problem. Here is my code example which could be run in playground: import UIKit import WatchConnectivity public final class MulticastDelegate<T>: Sendable { nonisolated(unsafe) private var delegates = [WeakWrapper]() public init() { } public var isEmpty: Bool { return delegates.isEmpty } public func addDelegate(_ delegate: T) { let wrapper = WeakWrapper(value: delegate as AnyObject) delegates.append(wrapper) } public func removeDelegate(_ delegate: T) { delegates = delegates.filter { $0.value !== delegate as AnyObject } } public func invokeDelegates(_ invocation: (T) -> Void) { for (index, delegate) in delegates.enumerated().reversed() { if let delegate = delegate.value as? T { invocation(delegate) } else { delegates.remove(at: index) } } } public func invokeDelegatesCheckingResponse(_ invocation: (T) -> Bool) -> Bool { var isHandled = false for delegate in delegates { if let delegate = delegate.value as? T { if invocation(delegate) { isHandled = true break } } } return isHandled } private final class WeakWrapper: Sendable { nonisolated(unsafe) weak var value: AnyObject? init(value: AnyObject) { self.value = value } } } @globalActor public actor WatchActor { public static var shared = WatchActor() } @MainActor @objc public protocol WatchCommunicatorDelegate: NSObjectProtocol { @objc optional func watchCommunicatorDidRequestDataUpdate(_ controller: WatchCommunicator) } @WatchActor @objc public final class WatchCommunicator: NSObject { private let multicastDelegate = MulticastDelegate<WatchCommunicatorDelegate>() } extension WatchCommunicator: @preconcurrency WCSessionDelegate { public func session(_ session: WCSession, activationDidCompleteWith activationState: WCSessionActivationState, error: (any Error)?) { multicastDelegate.invokeDelegates { delegate in Task { @MainActor in delegate.watchCommunicatorDidRequestDataUpdate?(self) } } } public func sessionDidBecomeInactive(_ session: WCSession) { } public func sessionDidDeactivate(_ session: WCSession) { } } I want to work with WatchCommunicator in global actor and WatchCommunicatorDelegate should be call in main actor and should have reference to WatchCommunicator. Help please
Testing the content of a `Task` in a non-async method
Hi, Considering this method I'd like to test: public func play(_ soundFileName: String, shouldLoop: Bool) { Task { await dataSource.play(soundFileName, shouldLoop: shouldLoop) } } Previously, with XCTest we could use an expectation and wait for it to be fulfilled: func test() sut.play("", shouldLoop: false) wait(for: [mockedAudioPlayerDataSource.invokedPlayExpectation]) XCTAssertEqual(mockedAudioPlayerDataSource.invokedPlayCount, 1) With Swift Testing, I am unsure what a unit test looks like.
Swift is new for me
i have macos 15 and xcode 16 swift 6 and want to make apps to run on macintosh. i know the syntax of this programming language, but i need informations like which libraries i have to import for func's which name i do not know, and parameters i have not found on websites or the tutorial on swift. i need procedures like open window at x,y,width,height draw rectangle at x,y,width,height,color draw text at x,y,width,height,color,size read keyboard-letter,up/dn,shift read mouse x,y,buttons
Oct ’24
@Observation: Best way of handling binding after injecting a View-Model
In WWDC 2023 there was a good summary of how to handle the iOS 17 Observation capability. But despite the clear graphics, it was still ambiguous (for me.) I want to inject a class (view-model) so that it can be used in the complete view heirarchy, and used in bindings to allow bi-directional communication. As far as I can tell there are 2 ways of declaring the VM (alternatives 1 and 2 in my code), and 2 ways of consuming the VM in a view (alternatives 3 and 4 in my code). Using the flow-diagram I can't determine which is best. Here's the crux of my #Observable problem. import SwiftUI // MARK: - Model struct MyMod { var title = "Hello, World!" } // MARK: - MVV @Observable class MyMVV { var model: MyMod init() { self.model = MyMod() } } // MARK: - App @main struct MyApp: App { @Bindable var myGlobalMVV = MyMVV() // Alternative 1 // @State var myGlobalMVV = MyMVV() // Alternative 2 var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() .environment(myGlobalMVV) // inject } } } struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { ContentDeepHierarchyView() } } struct ContentDeepHierarchyView: View { @Environment(MyMVV.self) var myGlobalMVV // digest var body: some View { @Bindable var myLocalMVV = myGlobalMVV // Alternative 3 TextField("The new title", text: $myLocalMVV.model.title) // Alternative 3 TextField("The new title", text: Bindable(myGlobalMVV).model.title) // Alternative 4 } Opinions?
Oct ’24
Getting error on xcode 15.3 underlying Objective-C module 'FirebaseSharedSwift' not found
underlying Objective-C module 'FirebaseSharedSwift' not found aymodazhnyneylcscdggrsgjocui/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Pods.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/FirebaseSharedSwift.build/Objects-normal/x86_64/FirebaseSharedSwift.private.swiftinterface:5:19: underlying Objective-C module 'FirebaseSharedSwift' not found Command SwiftCompile failed with a nonzero exit code
Oct ’24
async let combination crashes on XCode 16 with iOS 15 as minimum deployment
We started building our project in XCode 16 only to find a super weird crash that was 100% reproducible. I couldn't really understand why it was crashing, so I tried to trim down the problematic piece of code to something that I could provide in a side project. The actual piece of code crashing for us is significantly different, but this small example showcases the crash as well. https://github.com/Elih96/XCode16CrashReproducer our observation is, that this combination of async let usage + struct structure leads to a SIGABRT crash in the concurrency library. In both the main project and the example project, moving away from async let and using any other concurrency mechanism fixes the crash. This was reproducible only on Xcode 16 with iOS 15 set as minimum deployment for the target. It works fine on Xcode 15, and if we bump the min deployment to 16 on Xcode 16, it also runs fine. I've attached a small project that reproduces the error. I'm sure I didn't provide the ideal reproduction scenario, but that's what I managed to trim it down to. Making random changes such as removing some properties from the B struct or remove the: let _ = A().arrayItems.map { _ in "123" } will stop the crash from happening, so I just stopped making changes. The stack trace from the crash: frame #0: 0x00000001036d1008 libsystem_kernel.dylib`__pthread_kill + 8 frame #1: 0x0000000102ecf408 libsystem_pthread.dylib`pthread_kill + 256 frame #2: 0x00000001801655c0 libsystem_c.dylib`abort + 104 frame #3: 0x000000020a8b7de0 libswift_Concurrency.dylib`swift::swift_Concurrency_fatalErrorv(unsigned int, char const*, char*) + 28 frame #4: 0x000000020a8b7dfc libswift_Concurrency.dylib`swift::swift_Concurrency_fatalError(unsigned int, char const*, ...) + 28 frame #5: 0x000000020a8baf54 libswift_Concurrency.dylib`swift_task_dealloc + 124 frame #6: 0x000000020a8b72c8 libswift_Concurrency.dylib`asyncLet_finish_after_task_completion(swift::AsyncContext*, swift::AsyncLet*, void (swift::AsyncContext* swift_async_context) swiftasynccall*, swift::AsyncContext*, void*) + 72 * frame #7: 0x000000010344e6e4 CrashReproducer.debug.dylib`closure #1 in closure #1 in CrashReproducerApp.body.getter at CrashReproducerApp.swift:17:46 frame #8: 0x00000001cca0a560 SwiftUI`___lldb_unnamed_symbol158883 frame #9: 0x00000001cca09fc0 SwiftUI`___lldb_unnamed_symbol158825 frame #10: 0x00000001cca063a0 SwiftUI`___lldb_unnamed_symbol158636 frame #11: 0x00000001cca09268 SwiftUI`___lldb_unnamed_symbol158726
Oct ’24
The compiler is unable to type-check this expression in reasonable time
This is one of the worst errors you can encounter while developing with Xcode. It looks like it's related to a problem inside the compiler itself: when there are lot of lines of code, it becomes unable to identify them all and start asking you to break down the code in smaller pieces. Sometimes you can, sometimes not. First of all, in your code there is FOR SURE an error, so in case of the second option, begin commenting entires sections of your code: this can lead to two options: You commented a section that contains the error: Xcode give you the preview and you check the commented section to find the error You commented enough code to let the compiler do its job, and you'll have the normal error reported in your code: again, fix it! Once errors have been fixed, normally you can uncomment what you excluded and all will go up and ok again. The most common errors that can lead to this behavior (but it's just a hint) are those involving parameters got or passed to other SwiftUI objects: parameters label (mistyped, missing, exceeding) parameters values (not $/& present, $/& present but not required) parameters types (you passed a wrong type) Well, I hope that this post could be useful to others that, like I did, are struggling a lot to understand the exact nature of this peculiar error. Code well and Prosper!
Oct ’24
Opening file from main bundle in Xcode 16
I've just upgraded to Xcode 16 and my app now fails when attempting to read a text file from the main bundle. It finds the path but can't open the file so this snippet prints: "File read error for path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/AABAD428-96BC-4B34-80B4-97FA80B77E58/Test.app/csvfile.csv" This worked fine up to 15.4. Has something changed? Thanks. class ViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() let bundle = Bundle.main let path = bundle.path(forResource: "csvfile", ofType: "csv")! do { let content = try String(contentsOfFile: path, encoding: String.Encoding.ascii) } catch { print("File read error for path: \(String(describing: path))") } } }
Oct ’24
How do you create an actor with a non-sendable member variable that is initialized with async init()?
Here is my code: ` // A 3rd-party class I must use. class MySession{ init() async throws { // .. } } actor SessionManager{ private var mySession: MySession? // The MySession is not Sendable func createSession() async { do { mySession = try await MySession() log("getOrCreateSession() End, success.") } catch { log("getOrCreateSession() End, failure.") } } }` I get this warning: "Non-sendable type 'MySession' returned by implicitly asynchronous call to a nonisolated function cannot cross the actor boundary." How can this be fixed?
Oct ’24
Memory leak and a crash when swizzling NSURLRequest initialiser
When swizzling NSURLRequest initialiser and returning a mutable copy, the original instance does not get deallocated and eventually gets leaked and a crash follows after that. Here's the swizzling setup: static func swizzleInit() { let initSel = NSSelectorFromString("initWithURL:cachePolicy:timeoutInterval:") guard let initMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(NSClassFromString("NSURLRequest"), initSel) else { return } let origInitImp = method_getImplementation(initMethod) let block: @convention(block) (AnyObject, Any, NSURLRequest.CachePolicy, TimeInterval) -> NSURLRequest = { _self, url, policy, interval in typealias OrigInit = @convention(c) (AnyObject, Selector, Any, NSURLRequest.CachePolicy, TimeInterval) -> NSURLRequest let origFunc = unsafeBitCast(origInitImp, to: OrigInit.self) let request = origFunc(_self, initSel, url, policy, interval) return request.tagged() } let newImplementation = imp_implementationWithBlock(block as Any) method_setImplementation(initMethod, newImplementation) } // create a mutable copy if needed and add a header private func tagged() -> NSURLRequest { guard let mutableRequest = self as? NSMutableURLRequest ?? self.mutableCopy() as? NSMutableURLRequest else { return self } mutableRequest.setValue("test", forHTTPHeaderField: "test") return mutableRequest } Then, we have a few test cases: // memory leak and crash func testSwizzleNSURLRequestInit() { let request = NSURLRequest(url: URL(string: "https://example.com")!) XCTAssertEqual(request.value(forHTTPHeaderField: "test"), "test") } // no crash, as the request is mutable, so no copy is created func testSwizzleNSURLRequestInit2() { let request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "https://example.com")!) XCTAssertEqual(request.value(forHTTPHeaderField: "test"), "test") } // no crash, as the request is mutable, so no copy is created func testSwizzleNSURLRequestInit3() { let request = NSMutableURLRequest(url: URL(string: "https://example.com")!) XCTAssertEqual(request.value(forHTTPHeaderField: "test"), "test") } // no crash, as the new instance does not get deallocated // when the test method completes (?) var request: NSURLRequest? func testSwizzleNSURLRequestInit4() { request = NSURLRequest(url: URL(string: "https://example.com")!) XCTAssertEqual(request?.value(forHTTPHeaderField: "test"), "test") } It appears a memory leak occurs only when any other instance except for the original one is being returned from the initialiser. Is there a workaround to prevent the leak, while allowing for modifications of all requests?
Oct ’24
Memory leaks caused by closures
Hi there, this is my first time posting here. I've heard that some of the apple developers are usually active on these forums, so I've decided to shoot my shot, because this question was driving me crazy for a few days now and nobody could yet give me a clear view on what's actually happening. Here is the first snippet of the code class Animal { var name = "Fischer" var command: () -> Void = { } deinit { print(#function, #line) } } do { var pet: Animal? = Animal() pet?.command = { print(pet?.name ?? "Bobby") } } This code causes a memory leak, because Reference 'pet' is created. Independent copy of the reference 'pet' is created inside the closure. now there are two references to the same object, which are 'pet' outside the closure and 'pet' inside the closure. As we exit the 'do' scope, the 'pet' reference is deleted, but ARC does not deallocate the object due to the strong reference 'pet', that is still referencing to the same object. And all of that causes a memory leak. Now here is the code, that is pretty similar, except for the fact, that we assign a nil to the 'pet' reference class Animal { var name = "Fischer" var command: () -> Void = { } deinit { print(#function, #line) } } do { var pet: Animal? = Animal() pet?.command = { print(pet?.name ?? "Bobby") } pet = nil } And boom! deinit is called, meaning that the object was deallocated, but how? Why was the object deallocated? If we are deleting the exact same reference, that was deleted by the end of the 'do' scope in the first snippet? Am I misunderstanding something? I really hope this post will find the right people, since I could not even find appropriate tags for that.
Oct ’24
Under Swift 6 on Sequoia, why is ContiguousArray suddenly so slow to allocate
I generate images with command line apps in Swift on MacOS. Under the prior Xcode/MacOS my code had been running at the same performance for years. Converting to Swift 6 (no code changes) and running on Sequoia, I noticed a massive slowdown. Running Profile, I tracked it down to allow single line: var values = ContiguousArray<Double>(repeating: 0.0, count: localData.options.count) count for my current test case is 4, so its allocating 4 doubles at a time, around 40,000 times in this test. This one line takes 42 seconds out of a run time of 52 seconds. With the profile shown as: 26 41.62 s  4.8% 26.00 ms specialized ContiguousArray.init(_uninitializedCount:) 42 41.57 s  4.8% 42.00 ms _ContiguousArrayBuffer.init(_uninitializedCount:minimumCapacity:) 40730 40.93 s  4.7% 40.73 s _swift_allocObject_ 68 68.00 ms  0.0% 68.00 ms std::__1::pair<MallocTypeCacheEntry*, unsigned int> swift::ConcurrentReadableHashMap<MallocTypeCacheEntry, swift::LazyMutex>::find<unsigned int>(unsigned int const&, swift::ConcurrentReadableHashMap<MallocTypeCacheEntry, swift::LazyMutex>::IndexStorage, unsigned long, MallocTypeCacheEntry*) 7 130.00 ms  0.0% 7.00 ms swift::swift_slowAllocTyped(unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long long) which is clearly inside the OS allocator somewhere. What happened? Previously this would have taken closer to 8 seconds or so for the entire run.
Oct ’24
Can i use c++ in swift app project
Can i use c++ library with c library in swift app project Hello. I want to use a C++ library in my Swift app project. First, our company has an internal solution library. When built, it generates a Static Library in '.a' format, and we use it by connecting the library's Header to the App_Bridging_Header. There's no problem with this part. However, the new feature now includes C++. It also generates a Static Library in '.a' format. So, I tried to use the same method and created an App_Bridging_Header. But an error occurs, and I can't proceed. The first error occurs in the library file: 'iostream' file not found The second error occurs in the App_Bridging_Header: failed to emit precompiled header '/Users/kimjitae/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ddddd-glmnoqrwdrgarrhjulxjmalpyikr/Build/Intermediates.noindex/PrecompiledHeaders/ddddd-Bridging-Header-swift_3O89L0OXZ0CPD-clang_188AW1HK8F0Q3.pch' for bridging header '/Users/kimjitae/Desktop/enf4/ddddd/ddddd/ddddd-Bridging-Header.h' Our library is developed in C++ using Xcode, and there's no problem when we run and build just the library project. The build succeeds, and the '.a' file is generated correctly. However, when we try to connect it with the app, the above problems occur. Could there be a problem because we also need to use the existing C library alongside this? The build is successful in an app project created with Objective-C.
Oct ’24
Crash with Progress type, Swift 6, iOS 18
We are getting a crash _dispatch_assert_queue_fail when the cancellationHandler on NSProgress is called. We do not see this with iOS 17.x, only on iOS 18. We are building in Swift 6 language mode and do not have any compiler warnings. We have a type whose init looks something like this: init( request: URLRequest, destinationURL: URL, session: URLSession ) { progress = Progress() progress.kind = .file progress.fileOperationKind = .downloading progress.fileURL = destinationURL progress.pausingHandler = { [weak self] in self?.setIsPaused(true) } progress.resumingHandler = { [weak self] in self?.setIsPaused(false) } progress.cancellationHandler = { [weak self] in self?.cancel() } When the progress is cancelled, and the cancellation handler is invoked. We get the crash. The crash is not reproducible 100% of the time, but it happens significantly often. Especially after cleaning and rebuilding and running our tests. * thread #4, queue = 'com.apple.root.default-qos', stop reason = EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=1, subcode=0x18017b0e8) * frame #0: 0x000000018017b0e8 libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_assert_queue_fail + 116 frame #1: 0x000000018017b074 libdispatch.dylib`dispatch_assert_queue + 188 frame #2: 0x00000002444c63e0 libswift_Concurrency.dylib`swift_task_isCurrentExecutorImpl(swift::SerialExecutorRef) + 284 frame #3: 0x000000010b80bd84 MyTests`closure #3 in MyController.init() at MyController.swift:0 frame #4: 0x000000010b80bb04 MyTests`thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed @Sendable () -&gt; () at &lt;compiler-generated&gt;:0 frame #5: 0x00000001810276b0 Foundation`__20-[NSProgress cancel]_block_invoke_3 + 28 frame #6: 0x00000001801774ec libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_call_block_and_release + 24 frame #7: 0x0000000180178de0 libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_client_callout + 16 frame #8: 0x000000018018b7dc libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_root_queue_drain + 1072 frame #9: 0x000000018018bf60 libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_worker_thread2 + 232 frame #10: 0x00000001012a77d8 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_wqthread + 224 Any thoughts on why this is crashing and what we can do to work-around it? I have not been able to extract our code into a simple reproducible case yet. And I mostly see it when running our code in a testing environment (XCTest). Although I have been able to reproduce it running an app a few times, it's just less common.
Oct ’24
Casting `[String: Any]` to `[String: any Sendable]`
I have a simple wrapper class around WCSession to allow for easier unit testing. I'm trying to update it to Swift 6 concurrency standards, but running into some issues. One of them is in the sendMessage function (docs here It takes [String: Any] as a param, and returns them as the reply. Here's my code that calls this: @discardableResult public func sendMessage(_ message: [String: Any]) async throws -&gt; [String: Any] { return try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { (continuation: CheckedContinuation&lt;[String: Any], Error&gt;) in wcSession.sendMessage(message) { response in continuation.resume(returning: response) // ERROR HERE } errorHandler: { error in continuation.resume(throwing: error) } } } However, I get this error: Sending 'response' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode Which I think is because Any is not Sendable. I tried casting [String: Any] to [String: any Sendable] but then it says: Conditional cast from '[String : Any]' to '[String : any Sendable]' always succeeds Any ideas on how to get this to work?
Oct ’24
Crash with Incorrect actor executor assumption
I'm seeing a crash compiling with Swift 6 that I can reproduce with the following code. It crashes with "Incorrect actor executor assumption". Is there something that the compiler should be warning about so that this isn't a runtime crash? Note - if I use a for in loop instead of the .forEach closure, the crash does not happen. Is the compiler somehow inferring the wrong isolation domain for the closure? import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { Text("Hello, world!") .task { _ = try? await MyActor(store: MyStore()) } } } actor MyActor { var credentials = [String]() init(store: MyStore) async throws { try await store.persisted.forEach { credentials.append($0) } } } final class MyStore: Sendable { var persisted: [String] { get async throws { return ["abc"] } } } The stack trace is: * thread #6, queue = 'com.apple.root.user-initiated-qos.cooperative', stop reason = signal SIGABRT frame #0: 0x0000000101988f30 libsystem_kernel.dylib`__pthread_kill + 8 frame #1: 0x0000000100e2f124 libsystem_pthread.dylib`pthread_kill + 256 frame #2: 0x000000018016c4ec libsystem_c.dylib`abort + 104 frame #3: 0x00000002444c944c libswift_Concurrency.dylib`swift::swift_Concurrency_fatalErrorv(unsigned int, char const*, char*) + 28 frame #4: 0x00000002444c9468 libswift_Concurrency.dylib`swift::swift_Concurrency_fatalError(unsigned int, char const*, ...) + 28 frame #5: 0x00000002444c90e0 libswift_Concurrency.dylib`swift_task_checkIsolated + 152 frame #6: 0x00000002444c63e0 libswift_Concurrency.dylib`swift_task_isCurrentExecutorImpl(swift::SerialExecutorRef) + 284 frame #7: 0x0000000100d58944 IncorrectActorExecutorAssumption.debug.dylib`closure #1 in MyActor.init($0="abc") at <stdin>:0 frame #8: 0x0000000100d58b94 IncorrectActorExecutorAssumption.debug.dylib`partial apply for closure #1 in MyActor.init(store:) at <compiler-generated>:0 frame #9: 0x00000001947f8c80 libswiftCore.dylib`Swift.Sequence.forEach((τ_0_0.Element) throws -> ()) throws -> () + 428 * frame #10: 0x0000000100d58748 IncorrectActorExecutorAssumption.debug.dylib`MyActor.init(store=0x0000600000010ba0) at ContentView.swift:27:35 frame #11: 0x0000000100d57734 IncorrectActorExecutorAssumption.debug.dylib`closure #1 in ContentView.body.getter at ContentView.swift:14:32 frame #12: 0x0000000100d57734 IncorrectActorExecutorAssumption.debug.dylib`closure #1 in ContentView.body.getter at ContentView.swift:14:32 frame #13: 0x00000001d1817138 SwiftUI`(1) await resume partial function for partial apply forwarder for closure #1 () async -> () in closure #1 (inout Swift.TaskGroup<()>) async -> () in closure #1 () async -> () in SwiftUI.AppDelegate.application(_: __C.UIApplication, handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession: Swift.String, completionHandler: () -> ()) -> () frame #14: 0x00000001d17b1e48 SwiftUI`(1) await resume partial function for dispatch thunk of static SwiftUI.PreviewModifier.makeSharedContext() async throws -> τ_0_0.Context frame #15: 0x00000001d19c10c0 SwiftUI`(1) await resume partial function for generic specialization <()> of reabstraction thunk helper <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0: Swift.Sendable> from @escaping @isolated(any) @callee_guaranteed @async () -> (@out τ_0_0) to @escaping @callee_guaranteed @async () -> (@out τ_0_0, @error @owned Swift.Error) frame #16: 0x00000001d17b1e48 SwiftUI`(1) await resume partial function for dispatch thunk of static SwiftUI.PreviewModifier.makeSharedContext() async throws -> τ_0_0.Context
Oct ’24