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Concurrency Documentation






libxpc library crash on top of callstack after iOS 16 version
Hi team, We found that the app reported a lot of crash stacks, and the top of the stack had the libxpc library feature, but we could not find the reason. These issues have only emerged since iOS 16 and are growing, can you provide some clues or provide some solutions? Thanks! Crash backtrace can be seen as follows. _ OS Version: 16.6.1 (20G81) Report Version: 104 SDK start time: 2023-09-20 18:42:40 RDM SDK Version: RDM user id : 119902290602 RDM DeviceId: 0DB20076-F323-468F-9EEC-080B77A00E05 RDM APP KEY: 7c35edbf90 Last Exception : 0 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a019e98 __xpc_dictionary_insert + 96 1 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a019e84 __xpc_dictionary_insert + 76 2 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a01b944 __xpc_dictionary_deserialize_apply + 68 3 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a01b8cc __xpc_dictionary_apply_wire_f + 136 4 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a018da4 __xpc_dictionary_deserialize + 108 5 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a00cdf4 __xpc_array_deserialize + 204 6 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a01b9ec __xpc_dictionary_unpack_value + 120 7 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a01bbf0 __xpc_dictionary_unpack_value_and_vend + 28 8 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a01a4c4 __xpc_dictionary_look_up + 156 9 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a01b094 _xpc_dictionary_get_array + 20 10 libdns_services.dylib 0x000000020a0b9a28 ____dnssd_client_connection_block_invoke_2 + 320 11 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a015af0 __xpc_connection_call_event_handler + 152 12 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a015f20 __xpc_connection_mach_event + 992 13 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b1657f6c __dispatch_client_callout4 + 20 14 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b16746ec __dispatch_mach_msg_invoke + 468 15 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b165f40c __dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 372 16 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b1675438 __dispatch_mach_invoke + 448 17 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b165f40c __dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 372 18 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b16600a4 __dispatch_lane_invoke + 384 19 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b166acdc __dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 648 20 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000209fc1ddc __pthread_wqthread + 288 Exception Type: SIGSEGV SEGV_ACCERR Exception Codes: fault addr: 0x0000000000000036 Crashed Thread: 7 _
Sep ’23
libxpc library crash on top of callstack after iOS 16 version
Hi team, We found that the app reported a lot of crash stacks, and the top of the stack had the libxpc library feature, but we could not find the reason. These issues have only emerged since iOS 16 and are growing, can you provide some clues or provide some solutions? Thanks Crash backtrace can be seen as follows. _ OS Version: 16.6.1 (20G81) Report Version: 104 SDK start time: 2023-09-20 18:42:40 RDM SDK Version: RDM user id : 119902290602 RDM DeviceId: 0DB20076-F323-468F-9EEC-080B77A00E05 RDM APP KEY: 7c35edbf90 Last Exception : 0 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a019e98 __xpc_dictionary_insert + 96 1 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a019e84 __xpc_dictionary_insert + 76 2 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a01b944 __xpc_dictionary_deserialize_apply + 68 3 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a01b8cc __xpc_dictionary_apply_wire_f + 136 4 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a018da4 __xpc_dictionary_deserialize + 108 5 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a00cdf4 __xpc_array_deserialize + 204 6 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a01b9ec __xpc_dictionary_unpack_value + 120 7 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a01bbf0 __xpc_dictionary_unpack_value_and_vend + 28 8 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a01a4c4 __xpc_dictionary_look_up + 156 9 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a01b094 _xpc_dictionary_get_array + 20 10 libdns_services.dylib 0x000000020a0b9a28 ____dnssd_client_connection_block_invoke_2 + 320 11 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a015af0 __xpc_connection_call_event_handler + 152 12 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a015f20 __xpc_connection_mach_event + 992 13 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b1657f6c __dispatch_client_callout4 + 20 14 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b16746ec __dispatch_mach_msg_invoke + 468 15 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b165f40c __dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 372 16 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b1675438 __dispatch_mach_invoke + 448 17 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b165f40c __dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 372 18 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b16600a4 __dispatch_lane_invoke + 384 19 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b166acdc __dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 648 20 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000209fc1ddc __pthread_wqthread + 288 Exception Type: SIGSEGV SEGV_ACCERR Exception Codes: fault addr: 0x0000000000000036 Crashed Thread: 7 _
Sep ’23
The nsxpc interface is not invoked
Hello, I encountered such a problem, the scenario is like this: I have a launchctl startup daemon called, which uses NSXPC to start an xpc Server. There is a Client program that links to the nsxpc service of this, and when I establish the connection, I call an interface implemented by xpcserver named setName:(nsstring*)name. I was sure that my xpcserver implemented the corresponding interface, but when the client called the interface to pass the value, it triggered the error "unrecognized selector sent to instance". When I restarted the client, the call to the interface successfully implemented the function. May I ask why? Using the NSXPC started service, hope to solve, thank you
Sep ’23
Faulty, hard-to-understand XPC behavior with remote methods that have a reply-block
Assume this over-simplified @protocol I'm using for my XPC-service: @protocol MyMinimalProtocol <NSObject> - (void)getStatusWithReply:(void (^ _Nullable)(NSDictionary * _Nonnull))reply; @end The Client side would then NSXPCConnection *connection = [[NSXPCConnection alloc] initWithMachServiceName:myServiceLabel options:NSXPCConnectionPrivileged]; connection.remoteObjectInterface = [NSXPCInterface interfaceWithProtocol:@protocol(MyMinimalProtocol)]; connection.interruptionHandler = ^{ NSLog(@"XPC: connection - interrupted"); }; connection.invalidationHandler = ^{ NSLog(@"XPC: connection - invalidated"); }; [connection resume]; [connection.remoteObjectProxy getStatusWithReply:^(NSDictionary * response) { NSLog(@"XPC service status received - %@", response); }]; So far - so good. My XPC service receives the asynchronous call, schedules it's "status gathering operation" on internal background queue, and returns. Later - when information is available, my XPC service executes the reply-block then, on the remote calling side - I see the log line with the status, as expected. BUT!!! If I add another different code-block argument to the method e.g. @protocol MyMinimalProtocol <NSObject> - (void)getStatusWithReply:(void (^ _Nullable)(NSDictionary * _Nonnull))reply andFailureBlock:(void (^ _Nullable)(NSError * _Nonnull))failureBlock; @end Then all hell breaks loose. Both XPC service and the client crash with hilarious crash reasons I can't decipher. Here's "Client side" caller crash (excerpt - forgive the methods are NOT the simplified ones above) XPC Client(Caller) side crash - excerpt while on the "XPC Service" side, crashes like these: XPC service side crash excerpt I wonder if there's something inherently wrong with having two code-block arguments for an XPC remote method? Another issue. The client XPC calls are asynchronous. They return immediately. The XPC service implementing the remote-call also returns immediately - and it executes the "reply block" far (a minute!) later, on another queue. However, if the XPC service attempts to execute the code-block MORE THAN ONCE, then the client-side code-block is only called ONCE. rest of the executions look benign in the XPC-service side - but never happen on the calling (client) side. Any idea why? can this be overcome? Any thoughts/ideas/references to documentation will be greatly appreciated. I couldn't find any good source on this. Thanks.
Sep ’23
WWDC 2015 video on GCD missing (again)
In a thread titled “Avoid Dispatch Global Concurrent Queues” [1], Quinn links to a video from WWDC 2015 Session 718, “Building Responsive and Efficient Apps with GCD”. However, this video is not available from the Apple Developer Videos site; only a half dozen or so videos from 2015 are available. This same issue of the missing video came up about five years ago, when Quinn stated that the video had been mistakenly removed but had been restored. Now it’s gone again. :sad_face: Could this video be restored again, or at least its transcript? While I understand that Apple is focused on Swift concurrency, I need to maintain some Objective-C code that uses GCD, and in tracking down some performance issues, I would like to better understand the tradeoffs in the existing code and make improvements where I can. I don’t have the resources to reimplement the code in Swift right now. (More generally, why can't Apple just leave all these videos online indefinitely, for historical purposes at least? Couldn't the ones deemed “old and misleading” just be tagged with a banner like the legacy documentation has?) [1] I like to think of these valuable threads as “Quinn Technical Notes”; I have a page in my Notes app that holds links to the ones I’ve found.
Aug ’23
I think there's a logic error in Apple SwiftUI tutorial Scrumdinger.
Hi. In Apple's SwiftUI Tutorial Scrumdinger, there's a logic that read and save a file in asynchronous function to keep the App's UI responsive. The tutorial says, Reading from the file system can be slow. To keep the interface responsive, you’ll write an asynchronous function to load data from the file system. Making the function asynchronous lets the system efficiently prioritize updating the user interface instead of sitting idle and waiting while the file system reads data. And here's code. @MainActor class ScrumStore: ObservableObject { @Published var scrums: [DailyScrum] = [] func load() async throws { let task = Task<[DailyScrum], Error> { let fileURL = try Self.fileURL() guard let data = try? Data(contentsOf: fileURL) else { return [] } let dailyScrums = try JSONDecoder().decode([DailyScrum].self, from: data) return dailyScrums } let scrums = try await task.value } func save(scrums: [DailyScrum]) async throws { let task = Task { let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(scrums) let outfile = try Self.fileURL() try data.write(to: outfile) } _ = try await task.value } } But the problem i think here is that the ScrumStore is Mainactor isolated annotated, the 'load' and 'save' method execute their Tasks in the main thread, so I think there's not much benefit we can get comparing using a synchronous method. The proper way I think here is that use 'Task.detached' initializer instead of 'Task' initializer, so that the Task doesn't isolated in MainActor context. If there's anything I understand wrong or miss, please let me know. Apple's Scrumdinger Tutorial Link
Aug ’23
[client] No error handler for XPC error: Connection invalid
Hello everyone, With the MacOS update to Venture 13.2, I get the following error message when closing a MacOS app in xCode: [client] No error handler for XPC error: Connection invalid Today I set up a brand new MacOS system which has nothing more installed as except for MacOS Venture 13.2 and xCode 14.2 (14C18). The error already occurs when I start an app that only contains template code. I also started the app without xCode and then closed it through the menu. Then I do not receive an error message. With the Ventura version 13.1 on an AirBook with M1, the problem did not exist. On my Intel iMac, the error causes the iMac to no longer start normally. Thank you very much for your support.
Feb ’23
Task on MainActor does not run on the main thread, why?
This code can be compiled as command line tool for macOS. import Foundation @main struct App {     static var counter = 0     static func main() async throws {         print("Thread: \(Thread.current)")         let task1 = Task { @MainActor () -> Void in             print("Task1 before await Task.yield(): \(Thread.current)")             await Task.yield()             print("Task1 before await increaseCounter(): \(Thread.current)")             await increaseCounter()             print("Task1 after await increaseCounter(): \(Thread.current)")         }         let task2 = Task { @MainActor () -> Void in             print("Task2 before await Task.yield(): \(Thread.current)")             await Task.yield()             print("Task2 before await decreaseCounter(): \(Thread.current)")             await decreaseCounter()             print("Task2 after await decreaseCounter(): \(Thread.current)")         }         _ = await (task1.value, task2.value)         print("Final counter value: \(counter)")     }     static func increaseCounter() async {         for i in 0..<999 {             counter += 1             print("up step \(i), counter: \(counter), thread: \(Thread.current)")             await Task.yield()         }     }     static func decreaseCounter() async {         for i in 0..<999 {             counter -= 1             print("down step \(i), counter: \(counter), thread: \(Thread.current)")             await Task.yield()         }     } } My understanding is: static func main() async throws inherits MainActor async context, and should always run on the main thread (and it really seems that it does so) Task is initialized by the initializer, so it inherits the actor async context, so I would expect that will run on the main thread. Correct? Moreover, the closure for Task is annotated by @MainActor, so I would even more expect it will run on the main thread. I would expect that static func main() async throws inherits MainActor async context and will prevent data races, so the final counter value will always be zero. But it is not. Both task1 and task2 really start running on the main thread, however the async functions increaseCounter() and decreaseCounter() run on other threads than the main thread, so the Task does not prevent data races, while I would expect it. When I annotate increaseCounter() and decreaseCounter() by @MainActor then it works correctly, but this is what I do not want to do, I would expect that Task will do that. Can anyone explain, why this works as it does, please?
Jul ’22
Tasks shown "alive" in Instruments display even after they should have finished.
In my TestApp I run the following code, to calculate every pixel of a bitmap concurrently: private func generate() async {     for x in 0 ..< bitmap.width{         for y in 0 ..< bitmap.height{             let result = await Task.detached(priority:.userInitiated){                return iterate(x,y)             }.value             displayResult(result)         }     } } This works and does not give any warnings or runtime issues. After watching the WWDC talk "Visualize and optimize Swift concurrency" I used instruments to visualize the Tasks: The number of active tasks continuously raises until 2740 and stays constant at this value even after all 64000 pixels have been calculated and displayed. What am I doing wrong?
Jun ’22
XPC Resources
XPC is the preferred inter-process communication (IPC) mechanism on Apple platforms. XPC has three APIs: The high-level NSXPCConnection API, for Objective-C and Swift The low-level Swift API, introduced with macOS 14 The low-level C API, which, while callable from all languages, works best with C-based languages General: DevForums tag: XPC Creating XPC services documentation NSXPCConnection class documentation Low-level API documentation XPC has extensive man pages — For the low-level API, start with the xpc man page; this is the original source for the XPC C API documentation and still contains titbits that you can’t find elsewhere. Also read the xpcservice.plist man page, which documents the property list format used by XPC services. Daemons and Services Programming Guide archived documentation WWDC 2012 Session 241 Cocoa Interprocess Communication with XPC — This is no longer available from the Apple Developer website )-: Technote 2083 Daemons and Agents — It hasn’t been updated in… well… decades, but it’s still remarkably relevant. TN3113 Testing and Debugging XPC Code With an Anonymous Listener XPC and App-to-App Communication DevForums post Validating Signature Of XPC Process DevForums post Related tags include: Inter-process communication, for other IPC mechanisms Service Management, for installing and uninstalling Service Management login items, launchd agents, and launchd daemons Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""
Jun ’22
C compiler lies about c11 support
The C compiler accepts the option '-std=c11' and responds by defining the define token '__STDC_VERSION__' = 201112 which thereby claims C11 support. Additionally, it DOES NOT define '__STDC_NO_THREADS__' and therefore the include headers &amp;lt;threads.h&amp;gt; and &amp;lt;stdatomic.h&amp;gt; should exist but they dont. The compiler is promising C11 threads, condition variables, ... support but does NOT provide it. This is NOT a link time problem, it is a compile time issue.
Aug ’15