"NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=65 & iOS18 & Xcode 16".
I used 'CocoaAsyncSocket', '~> 7.6.5'. It works fine on 13pro iOS16.4.1 &iphone x 16.7.7, But it's bad on iOS 18.3.
RSS for tagExplore the networking protocols and technologies used by the device to connect to Wi-Fi networks, Bluetooth devices, and cellular data services.
My application needs local network access. When it is started for the first time, the user gets a prompt to enable local network access (as expected). The application is then shown as enabled in Privacy & Security / Local Network and local network access is working.
If macOS is then shutdown and restarted, local network access is blocked for the application even though it is still shown as enabled in Privacy & Security / Local Network. Local network access can be restored either by toggling permission off and on in Privacy & Security / Local Network or by disabling and enabling Wi-Fi.
This behaviour is consistent on Sequoia 15.1. It happens sometimes on 15.0 and 15.0.1 but not every time. Is my application doing something wrong or is this a Sequoia issue? If it is a Sequoia issue, is there some change I can make to my application to work around it?
Hi, I have a problem about "NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=65 & iOS18 & Xcode 16".
I used 'CocoaAsyncSocket', '~> 7.6.5'. It works fine on iOS 15.2, But it's worried on iOS 18.3.
Before this, broadcasts can be obtained normally。 I had get socket Multicast Networking.
Please help me .
Hello Everyone,
I'm currently working on a cross-platform application that uses IP-based multicast for device discovery across both Apple and non-Apple devices running the same app. All devices join a multicast group "X.X.X.X" on port Y.
For Apple devices, I am using NWConnectionGroup for multicast discovery, while for non-Apple devices, I am using BSD sockets.
The issue arises when I attempt to send a multicast message to the group using NWConnectionGroup. The message is sent from a separate ephemeral port rather than the multicast port Y. As a result, all Apple processes that are using NWConnectionGroup can successfully receive the multicast message. However, the processes running on the non-Apple devices (using BSD sockets) do not receive the message.
My Questions:
Is there a way to configure NWConnectionGroup to send multicast messages from the same multicast port Y rather than an ephemeral port?
Is there any known behavior or limitation in how NWConnectionGroup handles multicast that could explain why non-Apple devices using BSD sockets cannot receive the message?
How can I ensure cross-platform multicast compatibility between Apple devices using NWConnectionGroup and non-Apple devices using BSD sockets?
Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
sometimes app from background to foreground , then send a Http request will got network lost response,
and if you delay 0.1 seconds to send request, it's work fine. Does any one can explian this?
I'm developing in Swift and working on parsing DNS queries. I'm considering using dns_parse_packet, but I noticed that dns_util is deprecated (although it still seems to work in my limited testing).
As far as I know, there isn’t a built-in replacement for this. Is that correct?
On a related note, are there any libraries available for parsing TLS packets—specifically the ClientHello message to extract the Server Name Indication (SNI)—instead of relying on my own implementation?
Related to this post.
Our company has a VPN client that uses the Packet Tunnel Provider network extension and when 18 came out we noticed that we were no longer seeing DNS requests get sent to the VPNs TUN interface.
Do a packet trace, once the VPN becomes active we see requests to _dns.resolver.arpa and 12-courier.push.apple.com, which both get resolved as expected. Also our main app that controls the VPN service and does authentication has to resolve a hostname to get to an authentication service and we see those requests just fine as well. However, when we try to resolve by going to a webpage in Safari we see no DNS request corresponding to that.
What are we missing? At first I thought it was the RFC9461 stuff but from the packet traces I don't believe that is the case.
I have also tried other networking tools to send the DNS requests and that failed as well.
We are using PacketTunnel as system extension to establish vpn tunnel. The flow is like:
Create a PacketTunnelProvide to establish vpn
When tunnel gets connected add excludedRoutes by calling setTunnelNetworkSettings().
Result: The routing table is not getting updated with new excludeRoutes entries.
As per setTunnelNetworkSettings() documentation:
"This function is called by tunnel provider implementations to set the network settings of the tunnel, including IP routes, DNS servers, and virtual interface addresses depending on the tunnel type. Subclasses should not override this method. This method can be called multiple times during the lifetime of a particular tunnel. It is not necessary to call this function with nil to clear out the existing settings before calling this function with a non-nil configuration."
So we believe setTunnelNetworkSettings() should be able to set new excludeRoutes. We could see we are passing correct entries to setTunnelNetworkSettings():
tunnelRemoteAddress =
DNSSettings = {
protocol = cleartext
server = (,,
matchDomains = (
matchDomainsNoSearch = NO
IPv4Settings = {
configMethod = manual
addresses = (,
subnetMasks = (,
includedRoutes = (
destinationAddress =
destinationSubnetMask =
gatewayAddress =
destinationAddress =
destinationSubnetMask =
gatewayAddress =
destinationAddress =
destinationSubnetMask =
gatewayAddress =
excludedRoutes = (
destinationAddress =
destinationSubnetMask =
overridePrimary = NO
MTU = 1298
The problem is present on macOS Sequoia 15.2.
Is it a known issue? Did anyone else faced this issue?
If I run an app with a Message Filter Extension on a handset with iOS 18.2 then it runs fine, however if I run the exact same app with no changes on a different phone which has iOS 17.6.1 installed then the following error occurs when the extension is enabled within Settings:
dyld[631]: Symbol not found: _$sSo40ILMessageFilterCapabilitiesQueryResponseC14IdentityLookupE21promotionalSubActionsSaySo0abI6ActionVGvs
I am developing an application that processes a video file stored on a server. I use URLSessionDataTask with a delegate handler to download the file.
It is not necessary to download the entire file at once. Instead, I can load small chunks of the file as needed. This approach helps minimize memory consumption.
I am trying to design a network layer that supports this behavior. Ideally, I would like to have an interface similar to:
func readMoreData(length: Int) async throws -> Data
Problems I Encountered:
It seems that URLSessionDataTask does not allow controlling how many bytes will be downloaded. It always downloads the entire request.
If I call suspend on URLSessionDataTask, the network activity does not stop, and the file keeps downloading.
If I upgrade the dataTask to a StreamTask, the file still downloads, though reading bytes can be done through the StreamTask API.
I would prefer behavior similar to AsyncHTTPClient (a Swift Server library) or Network Framework. These frameworks allow controlling the number of bytes downloaded at a time. Unfortunately, they do not fit the specific requirements of my project.
Am I correct in understanding that controlling the download process is not possible with URLSessionDataTask?
As a possible solution, I am considering using HTTP Range Requests, though this would increase the number of additional server requests, which I would like to avoid.
Hello Everyone,
I’m working on a project that involves multicast communication between processes running on different devices within the same network. For all my Apple devices (macOS, iOS, etc.), I am using NWConnectionGroup, which listens on a multicast address "XX.XX.XX.XX" and a specific multicast port.
The issue occurs when a requestor (such as a non-Apple process) sends a multicast request, and the server, which is a process running on an Apple device using NWConnectionGroup (the responder), attempts to reply. The problem is that the response is sent from a different ephemeral port rather than the port on which the multicast request was received.
If the client is behind a firewall that blocks unsolicited traffic, the firewall only allows incoming packets on the same multicast port used for the initial request. Since the multicast response is sent from a different ephemeral port, the firewall blocks this response, preventing the requestor from receiving it.
Is there a recommended approach within the NWConnectionGroup or Network.framework to ensure that responses to multicast requests are sent from the same port used for the request?
Are there any best practices for handling multicast responses in scenarios where the requestor is behind a restrictive firewall?
Any insights or suggestions on how to account for this behavior and ensure reliable multicast communication in such environments would be greatly appreciated.
on MacOS I am using raw socket and PF_Route options to monitor the routing table changes but looks like that is not supported in iOS
what are the other ways to achieve real time monitoring in iOS ?
Hi everyone,
is there any ways we can remove the weak ciphers as part of TLS handshake (TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256)
I checked here but still do not see anyways to print out and change the ciphers suite we want to use
I'm building a bluetooth device that is connected to my app. The device I'm building will be connected to the phone as much as possible, and when the user leaves the device's range and then comes back later, I expect the OS to wake the app up when it reconnects in the background using the CoreBluetooth willRestoreState wake up method. Using just CoreBluetooth for pairing, I've confirmed that the phone will reconnect to the device while in the background and the app gets woken up when that happens.
I'm hoping to use ASK for pairing instead as it's a much nicer user experience. When I initiate and confirm pairing via ASK, I can see that it's connected and paired successfully and I see my device and app connected as I expect. But when the device goes away, and the app has been in the background, and then I come in range of the phone, the device never reconnects automatically in Bluetooth settings. When I manually tap the device in settings to connect, it does connect, but I don't think my app gets woken up and restored as I don't see the requests I expect happening when it's in the background.
Does ASK support scanning for peripherals via CoreBluetooth while in the background, or automatic reconnection? I assumed that when my app is launched, I activate the ASAccessorySession session, and the .activated callback will fire, but I'm not seeing that happen.
I asked this question of AI and it said that yes it was possible, and gave some sample code
override class func filterConfiguration() -> ILMessageFilterExtensionConfiguration {
let config = ILMessageFilterExtensionConfiguration()
// You can specify multiple network URLs
config.networkURLs = [
URL(string: "https://api1.example.com/filter")!,
URL(string: "https://api2.example.com/filter")!
return config
And said the OS will try the first, and if there's no response within the first few seconds it'll move onto the second.
However, there is no such class as ILMessageFilterExtensionConfiguration AFAICT, if there is then how to access/use it, if there isn't, then I wonder how the AI counjured it up?
If multiple urls can be specified, then can the extension also specify a particular API to use and switch between them at some point?
When does the OS call filterConfiguration()?
In order to create a Message Filter Extension it is necessary to set up Shared Web Credentials.
I'd like to form an understanding of what role SWC plays when the OS is making request to the associated network service (when the extension has called deferQueryRequestToNetwork()) and how this differs from when an app directly uses Shared Web Credentials itself.
When an app is making direct use of SWC, it makes a request to obtain the user's credentials from the web site.
However in the case of a Message Filter Extension, there aren't any individual user credentials, so what is happening behind the scenes when the OS makes a server request on behalf of a Message Filtering Extension?
A more general question - the documentation for Shared Web Credentials says "Associated domains establish a secure association between domains and your app.".
Thank you
I have a TVML style app on the app store that no longer seems to work. I'm working on converting it to SwiftUI after seeing the WWDC video "Migrate your TVML app to SwiftUI".
I've got most of the code working up until I'm trying to display video from a remote source (my website). It looks like the network connection is blocked, maybe.
On a macOS app I see a App Sandbox capabilities that include Network access. I don't see that option for the tvOS app. Am I missing something or is it not needed, and I should look elsewhere?
Thanks, David
Is this technical solution reasonable about WKWebView on cross-domain issues ?
My project use WKWebView to load offline package, such as .html/.css/.js,and also request some resources from remote server to update pages. So there is a cross-domain problem with local file(file://***) and remote domain (https://***), is this following technical solution reasonable to fix this problem:
1. Create a custom URLSchemeHandler which conforms to WKURLSchemeHandler
2.Unify local file and remote domain request to https request
3. Hook WKWebView https request
4. Implement WKURLSchemeHandler delegate method
(void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView startURLSchemeTask:(id)urlSchemeTask {
NSURL *url = urlSchemeTask.request.URL;
if ([url.pathExtension isEqualToString:@"html"]) {
NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:localFilePath];
NSMutableDictionary resHeader = [NSMutableDictionary new];
[resHeader setValue:@"" forKey:@"Access-Control-Allow-Origin"];
[resHeader setValue:@"charset=UTF-8" forKey:@"Content-Type"];
[resHeader setValue:@"text/html" forKey:@"Content-Type"];
NSHTTPURLResponse *response = [[NSHTTPURLResponse alloc]
initWithURL:url statusCode:200 HTTPVersion:@"HTTP/1.1" headerFields:resHeader];
[urlSchemeTask didReceiveResponse:response];
[urlSchemeTask didReceiveData:data];
[urlSchemeTask didFinish];
} else {
NSURLSession *defaultSession = [NSURLSession sharedSession];
NSURLSessionTask *dataTask = [defaultSession dataTaskWithRequest:urlSchemeTask.request completionHandler:^(NSData * _Nullable data, NSURLResponse * _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {
[urlSchemeTask didReceiveResponse:response];
[urlSchemeTask didReceiveData:data];
[urlSchemeTask didFinish];
[dataTask resume];
Is this technical solution reasonable? and is there any issues that I haven't considered?
Looking forward to your reply
We have an issue (https://github.com/actions/runner-images/issues/10924) raised by a user requesting to add 'local network access' permission for macOS 15 and macOS 15-arm64 image runners. Apple introduced a new LNP policy with macOS Sequoia that is not controlled by TCC or MDM. Could you please guide us on how to add 'local network access' permission for macOS 15 and macOS 15-arm64 image runners?
We are implementing a Transparent Proxy for HTTPS (via TCP and QUIC).
The following rules are set in startProxy:
settings.includedNetworkRules = [
NENetworkRule(destinationNetwork: NWHostEndpoint(hostname: "", port: "443"), prefix: 0, protocol: .TCP),
NENetworkRule(destinationNetwork: NWHostEndpoint(hostname: "::", port: "443"), prefix: 0, protocol: .TCP),
NENetworkRule(destinationNetwork: NWHostEndpoint(hostname: "", port: "443"), prefix: 0, protocol: .UDP),
NENetworkRule(destinationNetwork: NWHostEndpoint(hostname: "::", port: "443"), prefix: 0, protocol: .UDP)
Handling TCP connections seems to work fine. But opening UDP flows from Chrome (or Brave) always fails with
Error Domain=NEAppProxyFlowErrorDomain Code=2 "The peer closed the flow"
(Doing the same for Firefox works!)
BTW: We first create a remote UDP connection (using the Network framework) and when it is in the ready state, we use connection?.currentPath?.localEndpoint as the localEndpoint parameter in the open method of the flow.
Is it a known issue that QUIC connections from Chrome cannot be handled by a Transparent Proxy Provider?