IAP: Unknown product identifier


some users of my ionic app (in store since july '17) have issues when trying to buy products from the app store. It worked correctly some months ago but now they are getting an Unknown product identifier error (code: 100).

I did not release a new version in between so i have no idea why this function stopped working for some users.

I'm grateful for any information.



It sounds like the SKProductsRequest is failing to get a response from the iTunes Store server in validating the In-App Purchase identifiers. The error "Unknown product identifier error (code 100) must be coming from a StoreKit framework which your application makes use of. The SKProductsRequest call results in a call to the didReceiveResponse delegate method where the requested identifiers may have been returned in the invalidProductIdentifiers array.

When this occurs in the production version of the app, first question - did you recently have to renew your developer membership and if so, has the paid-app contract been updated? If the paid-app contract is in effect, then this is a bug report issue. The following are the instructions for submitting the bug report for this specific failure.

Here are the instructions to install the StoreKit profile

Install StoreKit profile to an iOS 11+ device

Please login to the Apple Developer Bug Report - Profiles and Logs website


Click the “Profile” URL associated with the “App Store/iTunes Store for iOS” item. You will download the “itmsdebugging.mobileconfig” file.


CAPTURE THE DEVICE CONSOLE LOG - connect the device to a macOS X Sierra (or newer) system (macOS X 10.12.x)

1. Launch the Console app and select the device in the left side of the Console window

2. Before starting the iOS app, click “Clear”.

3. Start the application and perform the steps to replicate the problem.

4. When the issue occurs, save the contents of the Console log

please check that the string “fetchSoftwareAddOns” appears in the console log. If this string does not appear, then the profile was either not installed properly or the device was not restarted after the install to the device.

To submit a bug report for investigation by iTunesConnect, please use the Apple Developer Bug Report web page - http://bugreport.apple.com.

After logging in, select the “Other” Product.

Fill out the bug report form. In the description section -

make sure to include the application ID

add the in app purchase identifiers which are failing

attach the console log which you captured.

Indicate that the problem is with the production version of the app.

By following these instructions, the Bug Report team will be able to expedite the assignment of the bug report to the correct group.

rich kubota - rkubota@apple.com

developer technical support CoreOS/Hardware/MFI

Further to Rich's explanation....

if this is true......"did you recently have to renew your developer membership and if so, has the paid-app contract been updated?"

then it is possible that the updated 'signed contracts' information did not get applied to your IAP. I recall someone writing in this forum that they had to go into their IAP and uncheck 'cleared for sale' then recheck 'cleared for sale' to fix some problem.

Having a similar issue, however its only iPhone 6S and iPhone 6 plus related. The plugin seems to work on iPhone 7 and 8 Plus with a sandbox user and I can purchase items from iTunes. Is this a iOS 9 issue or an iTunesConnect one?

Our app is pre-production and we are about to submit it for publishing and review. Have tried the suggestion of unticking and re-ticking "Cleared for Sale" on each item.

Thanks so much for the detailed explantion on what to do. I have been experiencing exactly the same issue. I.e. recieving a 'unknown product identifier' response when the user/tester click purchase on our app.

I tried everything to solve the issue, including reseting the IAP by unchecking 'cleared for sale' and I'm still getting the issue.

I logged a detailed report as you suggested using the Apple's new Feedback Assistance portal. Unfortunately it's been 5 days and the case is still open.

I tried to call multiple departments, but no one seems to know anything about where I can get help.

Would anyone know where the best place is to go from here? I have a case number for the Feedback Assistance: FB7537538

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.. warm wishes. 🙂

IAP: Unknown product identifier