Pillar boxing on iPhone X acceptable?

I am hoping someone from the review team could speak to this.

I just received the email saying starting in April all newly submitted iPhone apps must support iPhone X super retina display. My first question: is this also for updates to existing apps submitted in/after April 2018, or just new apps? Previous emails regarding changes to submission requirements usually specified "new and update submissions" but this one doesn't. My second question: will pillar boxing be considered acceptable for iPhone X support? While this most relates to existing apps (so sort of a null point if the first question's answer is "just new"), for full screen games, reworking content to be visible on the ultra wide (for landscape) screen is a notable amount of work, whereas adding black bars on the sides can be significantly easier.

I realize that this would meet the letter of the requirement, but not the intent. Would this be treated as an acceptable but not favorable solution, or as a rejectable offense?

App Review isn't here. There are no pre-reviews.

You can, however, enjoy the opinions of other devs, and mine is that someone needs to test this and see what happens during the review process.

Apple formally says this about that:


This just in - "Today, Apple informed developers that all new apps that are submitted to the App Store must support the iPhone X’s Super Retina display, starting this April"

h ttps://9to5mac.com/2018/02/15/apple-require-new-apps-support-iphone-x/

Funny how these kinds of questions seem to bubble up at the same time as a press release...

I want to knwo too. Is "all new apps" including "updates"?

In 2012 iPhone 5 support news said " new apps and app updates", but this time only "new apps".

Starting May 1, new apps and app updates submitted to the App Store must be built for iOS devices with Retina display and iPhone apps must also support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5

Pillar boxing on iPhone X acceptable?