Design Preamble: menu re-open


We wanted to push an update to our app in the store, but the new version failed on the Design Preamble part, this is the message we got from the review:

The user interface of your app is not consistent with the macOS Human Interface Guidelines.

Specifically, we found that when the user closes the main application window there is no menu item to re-open it.

Next Steps

It would be appropriate for the app to implement a Window menu that lists the main window so it can be reopened, or provide similar functionality in another menu item. macOS Human Interface Guidelines state that "The menu bar [a]lways contains [a] Window menu".

Alternatively, if the application is a single-window app, it might be appropriate to save data and quit the app when the main window is closed.

For information on managing windows in macOS, please review the following sections in Apple Human Interface Guidelines:
* The Menu Bar and Its Menus
* The Window Menu
* The File Menu
* Clicking in the Dock
* Window Behavior

Now I am a bit confused because I can't find a part int he guidelines which indicates that the Window menu should provide a reopen functionality after a window has been closed (note we do have this in the dock, and ofcourse a window can be reopened if it has been minimized).

After reading the review I though we should simply add a option to the Window menu that would open a new window with our app, but I haven't been able to find any other apps in the store which show this behavior so I'm not sure what to do now, what is it exactly we need to change in our app to meet this requirement?

I am running into this same issue with a review of our app. Did you do figure out how to fix the problem to get it accepted?

>haven't been able to find any other apps in the store which show this behavior

Quoting an Apple staffer from a previous thread:

"You need to strongly reference the NSWindow/Controller somewhere for the lifetime of the window. macOS 10.13 introduced a behavior where NSWindow will retain itself for as long as it is "open", but previous versions of the OS didn't have this behavior. As a result, if you aren't retaining the window, it'll be deallocated and removed from the screen."

Same issue

Same issue and Found this blog maybe helpful.

Same Issue. How did OP eventually solve it?

Design Preamble: menu re-open