In-App-Purchase (Product Not Found Error)


All of a sudden, while simulating my app, my in app purchase (remove ads) code says "Product not found *product id of my in app purchase.* What could have happened? I tried re-making the in app purchase but the same thing happened. Any help?



>while simulating my app

Are you logged into the sandbox or is it possible that you are logged into the production envirmonment? Did you log out of the app store and delete old builds of the app before reinstalling from Xcode?

One other thought - did you recently renew your developer membership and if so, did you update the paid-app contract. the contract must be signed by you and Apple. This can keep the SKProductsRequest from validating the identifiers.

rich kubota -

developer technical support CoreOS/Hardware/MFI

rich, we have similar problem since we updated our game two days ago on 7th February. Full explanation in this forum, thread:

We did renew Paid Applications Contract recently, as there were some changes in iTunes and we had to mark one single check box of whether we are an individual person or an company. But we did that and got confirmation email that everything is in order. We also had to update our credit card information as the old card was no longer valid. But if neither of these would somehow be the source of the problem, then howcome some IAPs go through as normal sometimes, and one not at all...?

The OP states ‘simulating’. The issues you raise do not occur in the sandbox.

In-App-Purchase (Product Not Found Error)