ItunesConnect testflight tab crash (and not load)


I'm trying to access my app's testflight tab to push a new build for my test users but the itunesconnect page redirect me to a default error (with a broken link for contact-us BTW).

In the chrome console (also tested in ffox and safari), a 404 during tab loading appear to cause the crash, here is the problematic 404 :

Does anyone have the same problem?

How can I do to push a new build if testflight tab does not load !?

Thank you,

I just got the exact same problem. Did you solve it?

When I switch to the TestFlight tab for my app in iTunes Connect, it doesn't load. It perpetually shows the spinner.

It was doing this yesterday too. I've tried a different browser and it's the same.

Any ideas?

I have the same problem

Me too have the same problem. Any possible fix for it.

Facing the same since friday. Any possible quick fix.

I'm likewise having the same issue. Anyone know for a fix?

I have same problem now

Same here....its very boring this behavior....I cant put the build to test...

Also getting the same problem from the last 3-4 days and apple is not able to solve. It's very frustrating.

I'm having the same issue since Friday (Feb 28).

I'm having the same issue too - its boring

Same issue here ! I hope for our product that a solution is soon presented by Apple.

Same here! O_O

ItunesConnect testflight tab crash (and not load)