Product name for IAP is returned in the wrong language

I have a problem testing my IAP. I only have one product defined in iTunes Connect and I have localized its name in 3 languages: english, french and russian. Now when I get the product list, the value of localizedTitle of the SKProduct is always in russian. I tested on my iPhone with the language setting set to english and french, and in both case the product name is returned in russian.

Is this a bug in the sandbox environment?

Hi aldra, did you resolve the issue or file a bug?

I observed as well that SKProduct.localizedTitle is not localized and shows the default language (English for my apps), not the Locale language. I observed it in an app in development, as my production apps don't use localizedTitle. However, I suspect that the issue occurs in production as well: the App Store popup asking me to confirm the purchase shows the English title as well (and the English name of the app), while the rest of the popups (like price field, localized price) is translated correctly.

Hi cp101, no it's not resolved and I didn't file a bug either.

The way I worked around this bug is to not use the localized description at all. I have only one product so it was the easiest solution for me.

Also, it doesn't always pick the default language. The default language for my app is english and for my phone it's french. So why did it showed me russian text, I really don't know!

I filed a bug report now.

The popups asking for payment confirmation are wrong as well. You cannot work around them, as they come directly from the App Store. I agree that you can work around SKProduct.localizedTitle by providing another translation within the app, but that does not help with the confirmation popups.

I don't remember seeing the bug in the confirmation popup, but you are rigth, it must be fixed by Apple. Thanks for filing the bug.

Hi aldra, the problem I have reported was with mixed languages in the in-app purchase confirmation pop-ups in a live app. This problem has been resolved now. However I still see issues in the sandbox pop-ups in the same pop-ups in a development app. How about your issue with localizedTitle, has it been resolved now?

Hi aldra, maybe this problem is related to your sandbox *****'s enviroment. When creating a new sandbox tester you can chose its App Store region. Have you tried creating multiple testers with different regions corresponding to the localizations you provide in App Store connect?

The problem is not limited to sandbox environments, I observed it on production apps on the App Store, both on my own apps and on third-party apps.

As it described here

"In-App Purchase FAQ", "Localization" section

it is necessary to sign in to App Store Connect using your test account. I've made it through Safari, using my test account, and got error related to necessity to be part of the team to sign in - but it doesn't matter. After that you can open you app and see that IAP products got correct localization.

Problem solved
Product name for IAP is returned in the wrong language