Design Preamble Rejection


I tried several times to submit my reference app but it has been refused for design preamble, i got this message : "

We noticed an issue in your app that contributes to a lower quality user experience than Apple users expect:

- Your app did not include iOS features. App Store apps should use native iOS buttons and include iOS features other than just web views, push notifications, or sharing."

Here is the screenshot link:

Please advise.

Thank you in advance.

They are basically saying your app doesn't do anything that can't be done on a web site. It doesn't use any unique features of the iPhone so it might as well be a web page.

I got exactly same review feedback, looks like they're going to block my app.

My app is a tool. It's not going to be fun and exciting like a video game. My app also does a lot of things that a webpage can't. I dislike paying Apple Developer Fees for Apple to tell me what I can and can not build on their platform on my purchased devices. I should be able to do whatever I want on the purchased device because I own it I didn't rent it from Apple.

Design Preamble Rejection