How am I suppose to know subscribetion status in sandbox mode?

How can I test auto renewal cancelled subscription ? How am I suppose to know if subscription has been expired or canceled in sandbox mode. How am I suppose to get notification?

I have printed a reciept .

How to get a glimpse to canceled state in sandbox mode ?

"expires_date" = "2017-11-30 14:24:13 Etc/GMT";

"expires_date_ms" = 1512051853000;

"expires_date_pst" = "2017-11-30 06:24:13 America/Los_Angeles";

"is_trial_period" = false;

"original_purchase_date" = "2017-11-30 14:14:13 Etc/GMT";

"original_purchase_date_ms" = 1512051253000;

"original_purchase_date_pst" = "2017-11-30 06:14:13 America/Los_Angeles";

"original_transaction_id" = 1000000356232086;

"product_id" = "com.demo.demoapp.weeklysubscriptionsssss";

"purchase_date" = "2017-11-30 14:19:13 Etc/GMT";

"purchase_date_ms" = 1512051553000;

"purchase_date_pst" = "2017-11-30 06:19:13 America/Los_Angeles";

quantity = 1;

"transaction_id" = 1000000356233554;

"web_order_line_item_id" = 10032340000037061260;


What will be the response when Subscribtion will be cancelled ?

You cannot cancel a subscription in the sandbox. Cancel means to get a refund for an earlier payment - it rarely happens. You can test for expiration - expiration means the subscription has expired and not been autorenewed. Read the expires_date fields and determine if that is before or after 'now'.

How am I suppose to know subscribetion status in sandbox mode?