iOS Swift - Detecting external display


I am trying to detect an external display using iOS Swift. The second display is connected with a Lightning Digital AV Adapter and HDMI. I have imported UIKIt. UIScreen.screens.count always == 1. It equals 1 even if I start the app with an external screen already being mirrored. How can I test for an external display so that I can initialize its view?


I discovered that UIScreen.screens.count would only acknowledge the external second screen if I setup notifications. Once I setup observers in the NotificationCenter I finally got 'UIScreen.screens.count' to == 2. Then I was able to assign a view to the second screen.

This link Is what helped:

Swift 5.5.1

I know this is old and for iOS, but it may help someone who is trying to figure this out and comes across this question.

I don't know if the same notification works in iOS, but there should be a similar way if not.

You can use the notification NSApplication.didChangeScreenParametersNotification

import Cocoa

class ViewController: NSViewController {

    var externalDisplayCount:Int = 0

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        externalDisplayCount = NSScreen.screens.count

    func setupNotificationCenter() {
            selector: #selector(handleDisplayConnection),
            name: NSApplication.didChangeScreenParametersNotification,
            object: nil)

    @objc func handleDisplayConnection(notification: Notification) {
        if externalDisplayCount < NSScreen.screens.count {
            print("An external display was connected.")
            externalDisplayCount = NSScreen.screens.count
        } else if externalDisplayCount > NSScreen.screens.count {
            print("An external display was disconnected.")
            externalDisplayCount = NSScreen.screens.count
        } else {
            print("A display configuration change occurred.")

Notice that the final else is there and will be triggered whenever something changes with any of the connected displays configuration, such as toggling fullscreen mode on a display, or through system preferences.