App rejected without violating any Guidelines

I submitted an app that was approved six versions, the 7th one was rejected, but the review team could not point me a specific reason. The application consisted in a way to facilitate people to exchange currency directly with one another. The review team said to me that it was not appropriate to the App Store, but this seems to be based on an opinion rather than a guideline. I have been developing the app for about six months and even created a company and paid thousands of dollars in legal fees. I find it hard to believe that decisions to take the app from the App Store can be taken like this. I submitted an appeal and the decision to reject the app was upheld, again for no specific reason. Is there anything that can be done?

Since this decision was not based on any guideline how can Apple guarantee that another app would not be taking the same business model than my app? If in two years or six months another app with the same business idea is approved this will be very unfair.

Hi Carlos,

I am in the exact same situation but being accused of violating in app purchase guidelines. I am extremley fustrated as I dont offer any purchasing in my app at all... Can you provide any insight on what you included in your appeal or anything I should do that maybe you would have done differently? It would be extremely appreciated.

Please and thanks, I hope to hear from you or anything in this thread that can provide help.


Hi! I am in the same situation! My app is not violating any guidelines. it has some Christian content, very mild, and I honestly think that some people in the review team are prejudiced. They complained that the app has in app donation, but it does not. Is there someone one can complain to? Ana

App rejected without violating any Guidelines